1. We're Moving

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A/N: Trailer is above! (I changed the cover)

- I wrote this as a fourteen year old so excuse the bad plot, carry on.

Lauren's POV

"Lauren hurry up we're going to be late!" my mom yelled.

"I'm going!" I yelled back.

Florida, out of all the places they pick Florida. Miami to be exact, we were perfectly fine here in Seattle but no.

Hi I'm Lauren Jauregui and I'm 18 years old. In case you were wondering what's going on, my family and I were ready to leave our home after twenty years. Currently, I was trying to get all my suitcases down to the car so we could be on our way to the airport.

Why, you may ask. Well my dad had gotten promoted and he had a choice to either work in the west or east coast. He had chosen Florida, which was all the way across the country, but I guess it was for the best, I did need a new start. Seattle just wasn't the place for me anymore. The people who've hurt me were always around and I just couldn't live like that for the rest of my life.

"Lauren did you not hear me?" my mom said coming up the stairs.

"I heard you, but no one came up to help me."

"Oh! You could have just said so sweetie." she said with a much nicer tone and began to pick up some of my luggage.

My things were then finally in the car and in no time, we were headed towards the airport.

"Flight 1432 is now boarding." The intercom said after waiting for twenty minutes.

"Well it's time c'mon guys." my dad said

They all started walking but, I slowly trailed behind not wanting to completely leave even though I knew it was better for me to.

"Lauren hurry up!" My brother then called back.

I quickly caught up to them and gave the flight attendant my ticket. After boarding the plane, I claimed my spot in between my siblings. Not much after, I received a text from my best friend Alexa.

A: I'll be at the airport waiting for you

L: Okay see you in six hours

Alexa and I have been best friends since we were little but sadly she had to move in freshman year to Miami because her family got tired of the gloomy weather in Seattle and now I'm finally going to be able see her after 3 years.

The passengers were then told to buckle up because we were about to take off and to put all electronics away for a moment. Once the wheels began to move, I stared out the window giving one last good look to Seattle, because I was never going to see it again.

I then decided to sleep through the flight because it was still quite early. I closed my eyes and the last images of Seattle appeared in my mind before they permanently deleted from my brain.

6 hours later

"The plane is now landing, thank you for choosing American Airlines."

I awoke from my slumber and looked out the window and saw a beach. Beaches here were definitely way more beautiful than the ones back in Washington. I got up, rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes, and got my bags. Then my whole family walked off the plane.

"Lauren!!" I heard a voice yell as soon as I made it out of my gate.

"Alexa!!" I yelled back once seeing my best friend's face.

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