Isabelle: Why are you here Mark?

Mark( smiles): Isa! I knew it was you that I had seen.

Isabelle( Hiding a smile): I'm serious you should not be here.

Mark: Oh come on, you know you missed me.

Isabelle: I saw you last year.

Mark: I think this was the first Christmas that I have not seen you. Plus can I just say that you look a lot older?

Isabelle( laughs): You say I look older every year, ever since I was 12 years old.

Mark: Well every year it is true. I swear I can't believe I have known you for 12 years now. This is crazy. You know you are my favorite Shephard sister.

Isabelle: I am not a shepherd sister.

Mark: Oh come on, that is such a lie, Derek is basically your brother is he not.

Isabelle: Well yeah, which means that I am supposed to hate you.

Mark: Supposed to... SO you don't hate me then.

Isabelle: Seriously, things are starting to get less tense between them and that is crazy important to me. (I stand up and give him a small hug) It was nice seeing you Markie.

He smiles and I walk away.

The next day we do rounds, and can I just say the tension between George and Meredith was crazy. Turns out that George and Meredith slept together.

George is angry at Meredith, and so is Izzie. Alex is indifferent and I have no clue about Christina. I personally decided to keep my distance from all of them except for Alexx today. I feel as if George is overreacting. Like seriously, he knew Meredith did not like him, not even the slightest. As well as the fact that I saw her last night and she was not in the right mental state. Hence George basically took advantage of Meredith as he knew she has zero feelings for him.  Is Meredith absolutely in the right, no, but George is no more if not less right than her? So that is my opinion that I don't feel the need to share.

So tonight is for me and my friends. Plus Alex, kidding.

I head over to Alex's apartment that night to pick him up. When entering his apartment he laughs at me.

Alex: That is what your wearing?

Isabelle: What we are just going over to Adams's house to chill

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Isabelle: What we are just going over to Adams's house to chill. So I am getting comfortable.

Alex: In jean shorts?

Isabelle: Yes, now let's go.

Alex: Whatever you say.

We arrive at Adams and Kates new house and it is gorgeous.

Alex: Your friends are intimidating, why did htye all grow up with money.

Isabelle half smiles: Luck of the draw.

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