"Kira, Ryder is tough. He's gonna be ok." Lloyd grabbed her hand and coughed again.

"Dad!" Ashley yelled.

"Sorry." He closed his mouth.

"Are you two alright?" I asked.

"Not too bad thanks to Ashley." Kira smiled.

"We have to take them into their room now." The nurse said.

"Can I watch?" Ashley asked her. "I want to be a nurse someday too."

"I don't see why not." The nurse smiled.

Ashley followed them upstairs and I looked at my phone. One of Skylor's police friends had a sent me a tip that Tammy's car was spotted outside a gas station about 2 minutes ago and they were sending a unit to check it out. I didn't know if it was true or not, but I hope Ryder could find her.

Ryder's P.O.V.:

I finally arrived at the gas station and parked the car. I went inside and hid behind a shelf. I saw Akamu banging on the girl's bathroom door.

"Come on Maizy we have to go." He yelled.

"Not so fast." I stood up in my gi.

"What are you going to do child?" He laughed as a police officer snuck up behind him and put him in handcuffs. "What?"

"Akamu Tanaka, your under arrest for kidnapping and theft." The officer said.

"I'll get you for this!" He yelled at me.

The officer dragged him out of the building and got him into his car. I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Maizy, it's Ryder. They got him." I said.

Maizy came out of the bathroom and gave me a huge hug.

"Thank you." She kept hugging me.

"You're welcome." I smiled. "Are you ok?"

"I am now." She took a deep breath. "Do know where my uncle is?"

"He's at the hospital with my parents." I frowned. "When Akamu ran them off the road Ashley and I found them. They were pretty banged up but they should be alright."

"Good, I was worried about them." Maizy said.

"Are you alright miss?" The officer came over to Maizy.

"Yeah, I got some bruises in the wreck but I'm fine." She nodded. "He's going back to prison right?"

"Oh yeah, he's going there for a long time." The officer said. Then he turned to me. "It's a good thing you gave us the tip young man. Otherwise we might not have found her."

"You told them?" Maizy looked at me.

"You told me not to come alone." I shrugged.

"Thank you Ryder." She smiled.

"Come with me and we'll get you checked out at the hospital to get you back to your family." The officer said.

"Ok. Are you coming Ryder?" She asked.

"Yeah, but I'll take my car. I know my mom really wants to see me." I said.

One officer left to take Akamu back to prison and the other one took Maizy to the hospital. I followed him in my car and walked inside with her.

Ashley's P.O.V.:

I was in the hospital with my parents. My mom was really worried about Ryder because he hadn't come back yet.

"Lloyd, I have a really bad feeling. I never should have let Ryder go." My mom worried.

"Honey, don't worry. He'll be ok." My dad said.

"Lloyd?" Skylor walked into the room.

"Skylor, what are you doing here? You should be resting." My mother said.

"I know, but something came through my radio that I thought you want to hear." She said. "They found Maizy at a gas station and Akamu has been arrested. An officer is bringing her here now."

"That's great." My dad smiled.

"Have they heard anything from Ryder?" Mom said.

"It was him who made the call." Skylor smiled. "He's on his way too."

"Oh thank goodness." My mom sighed with relief. "Ashley, can you go show Ryder where the room is please?"

"Sure Mom." I nodded and ran out of the room.

I went down to the waiting room and saw Zach sitting in a chair. I sat down next to him.

"Hey Mr. Mitchell." I said.

"Hey Ashley." He tried to put on a brave face. "How are your parents?"

"They're gonna be fine." I told him. "I came down to tell you the good news."

"Good news?" He questioned.

"They found Akamu and arrested him. My brother and Maizy are on their way here right now."

"Really?" He smiled. "Is she ok?"

"They found her safe and sound." I said.

"Thank goodness." He took a deep breath.

As if on cue, Maizy and Ryder ran into the hospital. Maizy saw Zach and ran right into his arms.

"Maizy!" Zach smiled and hugged her. "I'm so glad you're safe."

"Me too." She smiled.

"Ashley?" Ryder ran up to me. "How are Mom and Dad?"

"Worried sick, but the doctors say they're going to be fine." I told him.

"Great." He smiled.

"Follow me." I said.

I led him up to the room and my mom and dad were so happy to see him again. We had a few more hours in the hospital but after that we all got to go home. I'm so happy that everything worked out ok.

Ninjago Generations: Part 3Where stories live. Discover now