Earlylife .2

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It's been a month now since Deidara and Naruto been on the streets, and since they met hope.

The 2nd week living on the street Naruto had grew sick and by the 3rd Deidara had too. Deidara had been think about selling his own body for money, food, and medicine.

Who would've thought an 11 year old would have to think about something like that?

He felt like passing out but he had to keep awake to make sure his brother was ok, not to mention to keep snowing from coming in.

Yeah it's snowing now.. and not just by a little bit.. just there luck.

The only thing they had to keep them warm was some, shorts, a tank top, there jackets and scarfs. They also had newspapers..and a cat? Like that'll do much.

Naruto began coughing and breathing began to pick up.

'We're not gonna make it..especially Naruto and his small body. We're both pretty small and underweight' Dei thought to himself.

As he was about to say his prayers for the after life that he's about to head to, he heard a voice. A man voice..

'Am I dead? Is that gods voice I hear?' He thought as he slightly stuck his head out, just to see an old man with wild long white hair.

"Huh.. god looks a little different here.. guess I'm not dead after all." Deidara grumbled

"Indeed you are not young one!" The man smiled giving him a thumps up.

"And what do you want?" Dei asked confused why someone came here all of the sudden.

"Well, I was happen to be walking pass until I heard movement coming from inside. Then I started hearing coughing and got worried." The man said with a worried expression.

"Tch, We don't need your pity.." Dei said while crawling back inside.

"We? So there's more than one?" The man asked but received no reply letting him know he was correct.

"How about you come with me? I mean it's pretty cold out here, and you don't look to good yourself." The man said with certainty

"We don't want your pity." Dei once again.

"Come on, it's warm back at my place, a nice place to sleep and there's food" The man said as his voice laced heavily with determination.

"We don't want you pity" Dei said stubbornly once again.

"But-" the man was interrupted by some coughing, which made him raise an eyebrow.

"Hey, that person didn't sound to good either. My wife is a doctor, a famous one at that, she can help." He said which made Dei's face lit up.

'Did I hear that right? Did he say doctor.. Naruto can finally get the help he needs... but at what cost? Everything had a cost.'

"What do you want?" Dei asked hesitantly, not really wanting to know the answer.

"Hm? What do you mean what do I want?" The man asked confused.

"Well, everything has a cost.. wether it is money, food, or even someone's body. That's just how the world works." Dei mumbled.

"Well, lucky for you! There is no cost. Is it wrong just to wanna help some kids?" The man asked

"No.. just suspicious." Dei replied.

As the man was finna reply to Dei's suspensions, he was interrupted as Dei began coughing.

"Hey look kid, I think you should take the help I'm trying to give to you." The old man mumbled and shrugged.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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