Early life .1

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*Filler chapter*

A 7 year old boy with wild blond hair and tears running down his face from his bright blue eyes. His older brother standing beside him holding his hand, also on the verge of crying too. Both being escorted out their own house.

Blood everywhere.

Both traumatized, after seeing both of their parents being massacred with their own two eyes, witnessing the whole thing. Both were too scared to do anything.

Because what can a 7 and 10 year old possibly do in a situation like that? Even worse is that the person who did it, got away.

Not having another relatives to go to they were both sent to an orphanage.

After a year of being in and out of foster homes, that's when the older brother; Deidara, who was also blond but had longer hair and also had blue eyes, had snapped.

After being in many abusive, drug addiction, and alcoholic, foster homes. Deidara decided one night that it was enough.

He woke up one night with a weird feeling deep down inside his stomach. He looked over beside him just to see his little brother; Naruto missing.

He shot right up in panic, not knowing where his little brother is, that would always stick to him like glue. He rushed out the room and into the hallway.

That's when he started to hear muffled cries, coming from the room a crossed from theirs. He rushed to the door peeking his head through it.

What he saw disgusted him.

There he was his little brother, being pinned down on top of the bed by his 'foster parent'. One hand covering his brother mouth, while the other pinned both of his hands down on the bed.

Tears in his eyes, as he squirmed under the man who was leaving a trail of kisses down his neck. In a frantic of fear, not knowing what to do. He grabbed the first thing the caught his eye; a bottle.

A glass beer bottle that was laying there in floor. He ran up to the man and smashed his head with a beer bottle, knocking him over.

He hurriedly grabbed his brother and ran out the room, heading towards the from door.

"Hurry and put on your shoes!" He yelled and his brother did as he said and slipped on his shoes and he did the same.

He grabbed both of there jackets and scarfs that was laying by their shoes.

'We don't have enough time to put on our stuff' he thought as he saw a tall figure emerge from the shadows.

He grabbed his little brother, opened the door and ran.

Not caring that it was raining or that it was freezing due to the winter breeze brushing against their wet skin.

He didn't dare to look back, he didn't want to know whether or not he was chasing them. He didn't know where he was going.

But he ran wherever his feet took them both. After running for a few mins, he stopped when he heard his little brother coughing and trying to catch his breathe.

'How stupid can I be! Idiot.' He mentally slapped himself. Forgetting about his brothers well-being.

Since they were under a street light he could see his brothers red puffy eyes, his red stuffy nose, the way his bottom lip quiver due to the cold, the way he was shaking.

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