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" wake up isla come on" I hear Tom and I go to sit up my head stings and my head gets tilted back " your nose is bleeding you was shaking" I blink a few times as I'm still not fully back " come on let's go to the kitchen"

We go to the kitchen I stand over the sink with the tap running I wait for it to stop " isla you in here- " I hear dad he rushes over " what are we gonna do with you forgot your tablets didn't you" I nod " didn't really plan on falling asleep till someone started playing with my hair"

I say to dad glaring at Tommy " okay get home take them and Isiah is on one" I dolly eyes taking the towel off Tommy wiping my nose " what now dad" he sighs " drunk pst night then got angry smashed a few things in the house and nanas vase" I nod " okay I'll sort it thanks dad" he kisses my cheek nods at Tommy leaving

" I've got to attend to a fucking teenager I'll see you later" he nods I kiss his cheek leaving he pulls me back kissing my lips " call if you need me" I nod at him


I get to the house there's glass everywhere I see Isiah head in hands at on the couch "you cunt broke nanas vase" he looks at me annoyed " what sister of the fucking year" I scoff at him " Isiah your 16 not a fucking adult" I shout at him walking to him " oh and you think your all mighty and shit your the shebys fucking whore for a reason"

I slap him across the face and he looks at me fucking angry fists clenched " Isiah li-" he cuts me off jabbing me in the gut I groan hunch over and he knees my face I spit blood and swipe his legs under him as I straddle him punching him in the face twice before he flips us I feel glass indent in my back and Pearce my skin

" listen you left me for weeks-" punch" and I was fucking worried" punch" I hate you right now" I cough I don't bother fighting him because I know he's just angry at me

He door bursts open I see john and Arthur rip Isiah off I let my head rest on the floor I take in a deep breathe " take him to dad at pols John he'll know what to do"

"Come on you" John and Arthur tussle him out Tommy stands over me with a stone cold face on I feel like I could sleep

" come on trouble" he pulls me up I groan I walk to the kitchen getting a wet cloth wiping my bloodie face my split lip and I sight "I'm staying at pols tonight" he smirks " my bed" I roll my eyes at him " no johns obviously" he glares at me

" John doesn't live at pols shit face" he mock me under his breathe and we walk to pols she is tell Isaiah off " oh another hand on your sister I'll cut them off myself" slapping his head upwards " now out of my site" she says he storms out to the den then she hugs me " hurt really" I roll my eyes " pol get this glass out of my back before I die" she laughs

" lover boy is free ask him" I roll my eyes at her " he just wants to see me naked" and he nods agreeing before pulling me upstairs

" strip love" I roll my eyes at him pulling my jacket off then my blazer unbuttoning my top lucky today I have a sports bra on " unlucky Shelby" I say he grumbles telling me to sit inbetween his legs infront of him

He has tweezers and alchol to get it out then wipe it so it doesn't get infected " wanna tell me why you have scars on your back already" I shake my head at him he stand be I wince away from him " fuck Tommy" he huffs " tell me isla"

" when mum used to live with us dad and Isiah where away one weekend you and the boys well I told youse I was going with my dad so you didn't come knocking I knew it was going to be bad" I sigh

" anything she could find a belt the buckle of the belt hurt worse even when she put it on the fire she hit me so hard I blacked out and when I woke up she said " your a whore and deserve to die anyway" so I locked myself away from the world for a week till Isiah came home" I smile remembering his little face

" when he did he told me all about his trip"

" isis" he runs in my room I smile at his Little smile " me and dad had so much fun we fished and we camped that's cool I hate the cold but also we got to go to the fair I smile at him going on and on he hugs me " is what are those bumps on your back" I froze till I peppered kisses all over his face " they are boo boos I feel over plying with John" he laughed

" he was so little a convinced" I feel a tear fall and Tom pulls me back so my back is on his from his arms around my waist " you done what you could eh don't go blaming yourself " just he's angry all the time just don't know what to do " I love him Tom he's my little brother can't sleep if I don't know he's in the next room

Tom turns me wiping my tears

TOMS pov
I lay her down she fell asleep after I put a sleep shirt on her and I went downstairs " how's she" pol asks I shrug " think she's tired she misses Isiah and there relationship but I think she didn't give time for herself either" polly shifts

" Tom there's something you should know"

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