Chapter 5: Tense Landing

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As the sun continued to rise the landmass became clearer the hearts of the sailors began to race as they saw the tip of the pyramids shine as bright as the sun but other than that they saw massive cities with small buildings and then large buildings. Aboard the aircraft carriers four F2A Buffalo fighters prepared to take off to simply let the citizens of the city that the sailors and officers clearly knew was Cairo, Egypt know of their presence.

The pilots within the Buffalos pushed their throttle to full and released the brakes, their planes launched off the carrier decks with ease. Forming up together in a V-formation the Buffalos sped towards the city, flying low enough they watched in astonishment as the city got closer and they laid eyes on an ancient civilization before them. Tall obelisks were in the middle of squares within the city and most eye catching in the middle of the city was a gargantuan extravagant palace with massive statutes of Anubis at the entrance of the palace.

People in the streets of the city heard the odd sound of roaring looking towards the sky their mouths dropped and their eyes filled with awe when they saw four flying hunks of metal pass over the city with great speed. One of the Buffalos broke from formation and turned to face the pyramids, slowing down and getting lower the pilot opened his canopy. Glancing at the top of the pyramids he saw that the top of them was made of pure, smooth gold.

Citizens near the pyramids now hearing of the weird flying metal looked to the sky to see one of them flying slow and low, as the plane passed, they were confused and shocked to see a man inside the flying metal waving to them and those closest enough to the flying metal as it passed saw the man giving them a smile as he waved.

The pilot circled around the largest pyramid the sped up and lifted higher to join up with his fellow pilots.

Now the entire city was going crazy about the strange incident and were doing their best to find where the flying metal went, many people caught glimpses of them flying towards the ocean only to lose sight of them. However, those near the coast saw them and had clear view of where they were going, following them with their eyes they slowly looked down and many panicked or stared in shock as they saw 12 massive metal ships sailing towards their coast with great speed.

Aboard the USS Barnett and the fleet in general it was general quarters, Sergeant Hellen ordered for his men to gear up and load up. William and the guys were throwing on their gear and helmets their hearts racing, picking up their weapons and loading them they swung the weapons over their shoulders and ran on deck where all 300 soldiers were ordered to report to.

Arriving on deck the soldiers were formed into lines facing Higgins boats that were the first of the kind being lowered down where they would then climb down into the boats. William tried to steady to his rapid heart, but the effort was useless he was just too excited and nervous to stop, for a moment the boats disappeared below the railing line the sergeants who were looking down to the boats waiting for the thumbs up, got their signal to begin climbing down.

"Begin boarding!" sergeant Hellen shouted to his men while the rest of the sergeants did the same, Dalton turned around to look at the nervous William, "Haha showtime" he said and started climbing down the rope netting. One by one the soldiers touched down onto the boats and after a few minutes of waiting the boats touched down into the water with a splash, the Coxswain of the Higgins boats started their engines and, in a line, moved towards the shoreline.

"This looks like an invasion more than a 'hello' sergeant!" Jay said shouting over the roaring engine and waves, "Believe me it's not, it's a show of force so they don't attack us!" Hellen responded. "That reminds me boys when the boat lands and the doors fall do not run out, keep your weapon on your shoulder at all times!" Hellen said once more before he kept his eyes on the shore.

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