Chapter 23: unlocking memories

Start from the beginning

—Thank you.

When I opened it, it was just the same thing as before.

"Date: 01/06/ 2010
Issue: Memory loss, unknown reason Brain damage and minor injuries.
Patient name: Vanysh Blake Webter
Age: 13 years old
Birth date: 16/02/1997
Guardian: Sarah Blake Webster
Extra information: The 13-year-old patient arrived at the hospital with no memory, accompanied by a woman who adopted her two months later. The cause of her memory loss is unknown, and no one has any information about it."

When I was about to return it, another woman was there. I almost forgot about what the other secretary said.
She was old and seemed to be very sweet.


—Thank you.

She took a look at it so that she could keep the file, but then suddently stopped.

—How curious... you're the third person to come here looking for this girl.

What the fuck?!

—Excuse me?

—One or two months ago, a young lady came here, asking for the same files. And two weeks ago, a woman came here for them as well. She looked just like you, by the way.

—What is their name?

—I think their names are Anna Doford and Iris Hayson?
—My memory is really bad. I'm sorry.

This can't be.

—Hanna Donfort and Iris Hanson?

—Yes! Exactly.

—And what did you tell them?

—Well, both of them claimed to be here because they knew who this girl was and were her only family.
—As the girl arrived at this hospital with no family years ago, there was no proof that they were lying.

—How were they related to her?

—Hanna Donfort told me she was her sister, but then I heard her talking to the doctor who took care of Vanysh when she was here, at the hospital.
—She said that she was an old friend of her's.

—So she lied to you about being her sister?

—I believe she did.
—But I am sure that she was really desperate to see those papers.

—How about Iris?

—She, in turn, claimed to be the girl's mother.

—But I believed her, you know.
—She was older and knew things about the girl such as her birthday.
—Of course that after what happened with the other woman, I wouldn't just let anyone get these files without any proof.

No. Shit.

—You said that the woman who lied to you talked to the doctor who took care of the little girl?

—Yes. He still works here.

—And how do you know so much? Or even which doctor took care of her?

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