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[ chapter one ]

Jayde smiled as she walked into the Wedding Reception room, waving at the bride who also happened to be her best friend, Lauryn

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Jayde smiled as she walked into the Wedding Reception room, waving at the bride who also happened to be her best friend, Lauryn. Today she had just gotten married to her husband who she had been with since high school, Christopher.

Jayde was never close to Christopher in High school but as they all got older, they got closer to one another after they graduated and he ended up proposing to Lauryn a year afterwards.

Sienna was apart of the wedding planning, going with Lauryn for dress shopping, picking out the venue, etc. That's what best friends were for. Jayde was proud of her best friend, she was finally in the next steps of her life, something she hoped would be coming to her soon.

As she made her way throughout the crowd of people, she waved at and said hello to a couple of people who recognized her or she recognized them before finally reaching the table Lauryn and Chris were sitting at, along with a few other people she knew from high school.

"You did so great, congratulations to the both of you!" Jayde says, hugging Lauryn who had already slipped out of her wedding dress and into something more comfortable.

"Thank you, babes, I love you so much," Lauryn says, pressing a light kiss to her best friend's cheek.

"Hold up, don't be tryna steal my wife, bruh. We just got married," Chris says, the entire table erupting in laughter.

"Don't worry, Chris. She's all yours," Jayde says, laughing and rolling her eyes, taking a seat.

A platter of glasses were brought over to the table, holding sparkling Pink Champagne that Lauryn specifically wanted for the reception.

"So, how does it feel being married?" Jayde asks, taking a sip from the glass and then setting back down on the table.

"It feels weird. Like, it's the same as being engaged or just in a regular relationship but now I have his last name," Lauryn says, smiling over at Chris.

"At least it's not a ugly last name. If the guy I'm planning on marrying has an ugly last name I'm keeping mine, sorry," Jayde says, making the group laugh, but she was serious.

"Yeah, Lauryn Reynolds definitely has a cute ring to it," Lauryn says.

"And Lauryn Reynolds definitely has a cute ring on her," Jayde smiles, admiring her friends wedding ring. "Girlll,"

She didn't pay much attention to it at first but now that she was close she could get a better look and it was gorgeous and she could tell was definitely expensive.

"Is Clay here? I haven't seen him," Jayde asks, referring to her best friend, Clayborn — or Clay as he preferred to be called.

"Yeah, he's here. I don't know where he went, though. He disappeared a little after the reception started. Jack is here though," Lauryn says, smirking a little as she looked in the direction to where Jack Harlow was standing.

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