Chapter 7

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Phil was shocked to see a pig man but maybe this town was hidden. It was surrounded by forest, though it was weird that it was a short run from the lab. Maybe he hit his head too hard. Phil looks out the window again to see that the pig man and the other person are gone. Phil attempts to open the door but can't seem to open it. After looking around a bit he decided it would probably be best to open the box.

Phil slowly lowered himself down to the floor and looked under the bed. There he sees a purple box with a swirl on the side. He grabs it and opens the box. A note falls out and Phil internally groans. He can't read but he keeps getting all these notes. After putting the note back in the box he spots a compass.

This object is new to Phil but he turns it. He notices the dial turns as well. After turning it for a few minutes he decides to put the compass in the box then put it in his bag. (Forgot about that huh) Then he looks at the window and rams his head into it. Shattering it put in the process throwing him outside the window. Phil falls from the second story and lands on the ground.

This time Phil hears a snap and he yells out in pain. Phil looks up again to see a startled man wearing colorful clothing with a swirl. He looks at this man then realizes it's the same swirl that was on the box. Phil tries to stand but ultimately fails, falling to the ground again. The man starts to speak. "Hello! Are you ok? Do you need help" Phil stares then ignores him the last guy to try and helped, locked him in a room, and hit him.

Phil's thoughts were interrupted when the stranger starts to speak again, "Well i'm Karl who are you?" Phil looks up to look at Karl who was now crouched next to him. Smiling Karl attempts to pick Phil up... Wrong move Phil started to flail and manages to bite Karl. "Ouch! Please stop I'm trying to help!" It was at this moment he remembers he has wings.

Despite Phil's legs hurting he flaps his wings sending him sky-high. Once again Phil doesn't notice but his wings start to get slightly bigger making a massive shadow over Karl. He flies up and up trying to get the high ground but falters a little lowering himself.

Phil looks in his bag for the weird device. After he pull out the box the look on Karl's face seemed shocked. Phil takes out the compass and puts the box back in his bag. Phil looks for where the red stripe is pointing and follows in that direction.

After 10 minutes Phil stops as the compass starts spinning. He looks around seeing nothing but when he looks down he sees a big swirl made of rocks on the ground. Confused Phil flies around looking for something. He looks around one last time before coming back to the swirl. After looking at it closer he sees a small circle in the center made out of cracked stone, again with that swirl pattern inside.

He slowly lands into a sitting position so he doesn't hurt his legs and places the compass inside the hole. The stones start to glow bright with the colors purple and blue then fades away. In the middle of the circle, there is a black rose. The grass around it slowly turned black then into dust. Phil decides it would be a great idea to touch it. But right when his finger touched it his hand started to turn black color spreading up his arm but suddenly stoping at his elbows.

Phil touches the flower again this time nothing happens. After waiting, he quickly grabs the rose and puts it in his hair. Phil feels a shiver run up his spine then the pain in his legs disappears. After standing a voice calls out making him freeze.

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