Chapter 9

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The long trip from Great Britain to the east didn't go as planned. Let's say they ended up in Spain. Here is how.


Twitch alerted the entire flock of crows and made sure to grab Brian, dragging them to Phil. "Lets g- Wait. Which way do we go?" Twitch tilted it's head and looked towards the sun. They then turned around and cawed. "This way! This way! Let's go!" Twitch quickly jumped up and pecked at Phil. "Ok! Ok! Stop!" Phil swatted at Twitch and Raised his wings.

In one strong flap Phil launched himself in the air. All the crows follow behind. Phil flies forward quickly twisting and turning as he continues to fly up. Up and up Phil goes until he's above the clouds. He stopped flapping his wings for a second. He hovered for a second and started to fall back. Quickly diving before swooping up with momentum . Bolting through the skies. Phil feels something hit his wing and he stumbles and falls.

He hits a tree. Behind him he can hear the sound of crows coming towards him. Dazed Phil looks around to see what hit him. He soon spots a crow with a little orange cap laying on the ground 2 meters from him. After staring he calls the crow's name. "Ian, are you the one that hit me?" After hearing Phil talk Ian gets up and starts pecking Phil. "Bad chick! You left me! Bad! Bad! Bad!" Phil squawks while he gets scolded by the angry crow.

The muder finally catches up to see Phil lying on his side while an angry bird pecks at his head. "Please stop im sorryyyyy!" Ian huffs and sits down leaving Phil to lay on the floor. Twitch hops up to Phil. "Get up! We must travel!" A series of caws fill the forest. "Fine Fine let's go..." Phil gets up and turns south.

After 10 minutes of flying Phil gets bored and decides to try and find a snack. He lands very quickly and tries to find a stick. He quickly finds a big one. And sharpens it with a rock he found while he walks around. Feet turning into ones of a deer, making it easier to walk on the uneven forest floor.

After sharpening the stick he listens for any sound the crows behind him not making it any easier. He hears a snap of a stick and quickly jumps into a tree. Lower half turning into one of some kind of panther. Phil puts the stick in his mouth and quietly crouches in the tree slowly crawling through the branches. Keeping an eye out for his prey.

After Listening for a second he hears another snap. He quickly sprints through the trees claws giving him a good grip. He ends up above some kind of fauna walking around in the grass. After aiming the stick now in his hand he yeeted it right at the fauna killing it right away.

He jumped down from the tree. Feet turning back to normal as he crouched down and took the stick. His wings flared a little as blood sprayed on him when removing the stick. Crows behind him finally made noise again. "Chick got food?" "Yay chick!" "Can I have some?" "I call the balls!" "WhAt! Ewwww" Phil chuckles as he listens to the crows comments.

I got this for a snack you guys can have some, but hold on a sec. Due to Phil's quirk his body can change slightly to help with his current needs. In this case he grows a pair of canines, nails sharpen, and he is now "MaGicaLLY" able to eat things raw. Phil rips a piece of the fauna and steps back. A signal for all the crows to get their fill. His nails turn back to normal and he takes a big bite from the weird meat. After finishing he takes a look at his crows.

Phil stares at the weird dance happening. The crows seemed to have finished the fauna and only left a few bones. But that is not a strange thing. Brian one of Phils bigger crows, was wearing a bone crown and hopping on one foot while chanting Birb. All the other crows seem to be following along at times calling out a few other words like shiny or cawing all hail the birb.

Phil decides it's time to leave and ends up flapping his wings sending a few crows flying. They all turn and stare at Phil who is now grinning ear to ear. "Let race I bet ill make it somewhere cool before you do." He quickly flies south with his crows in tail.

They arrive on the outskirts of a town and look around. Soon a little boy runs up to them and speaks in a weird new language. Phil looks at his crows then turns to the boy tilting his head.

Sorry for the late upload expect another soon!

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