Chapter 14

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Phil slowly blinks as he wakes up. He tries to sit up only to feel his head bump into something. As he gains his barings he realizes that he's in a small box. After thinking about what to do he feels a large rumble. He tries to get out a few times only succeeding to probably move the box a little. Phil then pauses after he hears a small clicking sound. After a few seconds the box slowly opens and he blinks to see a crow staring at him.

After letting his eyes adjust to the dim light he sits up. "Where... am I?" Phil asks the crow. "You're on a ship called the Titanic." "A ship?" Phil tries to stand only to wobble and fall over. Brian hops up to him and nudges his face. "You haven't walked in 200 years, Phil." Phil pauses at that. "200 years?" He whispers while looking around. "How am I alive!" Brian ignores him and insists Phil tries to stand again.

After trying and failing a few times Phil manages to walk although very shaky. He slowly walks through the dark halls and finds a small staircase. After he goes up a few levels he starts to hear yelling. "Keep going! Don't stop moving!" Phil, alarmed, tries to walk towards the voices but is stopped by a gate. "Huh what is this?" he questions.

He then hears fast paced footsteps from behind him. Turning he spots a man running around the halls. "Hey, do you know why the gates are locked?" Asked Phil right when the man was in ear shot. "Did you not hear? It's impossible not to. The ship is sinking and they locked us down here!" The man yells before trying to open the gate.

"Wait, stand back." Phil turned his hand into a hoof and started to beat the gate with it. After a few seconds the gate slams open. "Wait, is that your meta ability? I cant believe someone here has that." the man asked somewhat freaked out. "Meta ability?" Phil responds somewhat confused. "Uh yea... Not a lot of people have them but they aren't that uncommon." The man looks at Phil weirdly and walks away.

Phil stays there thinking for a second "Do any of you guys want to catch me up here? What happened?" Phil says. Not a second later a small crow hops up on his shoulder. "I can fill you in but let's get to the top of the ship while we are at it!" Phil nods at that walking through the halls ignoring the distant screams. "Well first of all Slavery is over" "pffft- What? It's over?" "Yea, duck please" Phil duck right when a stream of water shoots in. "Woah" The crow had a look of worry in their eyes. "Let's hurry" The crow then flies down the hall.

"Hey wait up" Phil shouts as he runs after the crow. As they get closer to the top the distant screaming gets louder and louder until they are in the middle of a crowd of people running around. "What is going on?" Phil asks aloud looking at the chaos. "THE SHIP IS SINKING!" Someone yells out. "What!" exclaims Phil completely forgetting he was told that earlier. He decided to use his wings and fly up in the air to get a sky view.

Looking around he sees the chaos around him and even saw a few people jump off the ship. In his shocked state he didn't notice the people who started to acknowledge him. "Heyyyy! You up there help us!" That snapped Phil out of his shock. Glancing down he spotted the large group of people asking him to help them. "How!" He yells hoping to get some kind of answer.

"Help me, I'll pay you!" "I'm too young to die!" "Why are we screaming?" Phil thought for a second then had an idea. He checked his person for his bag finding it tucked under his clothes. He opened it and swooped down. "Get in my bag!" Phil yelled. Everyone went quiet... "Your... bag?" "It's really small." Phil sighed. He picked someone up by their collar and shoved them in the bag. Just like always they fit in without making the bag larger. The people looked at him shocked, without saying anything he dipped his bag downwards.

Some time later Phil managed to fit 100 people in his bag before the ship started tilting. It kept tilting and tilting and tilting before it was almost standing straight up in the water. Phil watched in horror as he saw people falling to their death and drowning in the cold water. With a new determination he swoops around catching people with his bag and grabbing them from railings. This continued for a while before a loud tearing noise mixed with a boom sounded out.

Phil looks around for the source of the noise, he then spots large cracking coming from the middle of the ship. His eyes widen as he desperately tries to collect more people from the ship. It was too late, the ship snapped in half and the front part came down destroying any people under the ship.

After a long three hours Phil managed to collect 500 passengers. Gliding above the dark waters Phil desperately tries to find more survivors. He's tired and is slowly getting weaker. In the distance lifeboats come closer looking for people as well. Phil slowly flies his way towards them. "There are no other survivors... I'm sorry I couldn't save them all." He looks down. A woman calls out to him from the boat. "It's ok dear you tried your hardest, come here you must be tired."

After getting back to land Phil released the people from his bag. An important looking old man walks up to him. "Thank you young man for saving all these people, the deaths would have been mighty larger if it wasn't for you. As a reward we have decided to give you keys to the city." Phil is confused "keys to the ci- '' A week later Phil is standing in front of a large crowd of people and is given a large plaqc. Cheering is heard all around.

"Pst. Brian can you catch me up the other crow didn't finish"

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