Chapter 10

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Phil stares at the boy as the boy stares back. He tilted his head towards the boy and whispered to a crow. "What did he say?" The crow cawed and Brian starts to speak. "Caw! Spanish! We are in Reino de España" Phil looked confused. "What is Spain-ish, why is he speaking this... Spanish?" The boy stares for a second and then speaks again. "¿Qué estás Haciendo?" Phil turns toward his crows expectantly.

"The boy asked what you're doing!" Squawked Brain. "Tell him I'm lost." "Sorry. Cant! Only you understand us!" Cawed a random crow. Phil looked surprised "Really? Only me?" As Phil talks to the crows, the other boy just stands there before he slowly walks away. "How do I understand you?" Phil asked. "The wither rose!" "Rose of death!" "POG!" "Flower?" Phil looks at them like they spoke a different language.

"What Rose? Do you mean the black one?" Phil looks at the birds and takes the rose out of his hair. "This? Why is it different?" A crow wearing a mini skull, lands on Phil's hand. "Give the rose to the boy! Then you see!" Phil turns to see the kid gone.

"The kid isn't here" Phil walks from the edge of the village to the center. People around him whispered. "¡Monstruo!" "bestia" "bonito" Phil kept walking and stopped in front of a fountain. Still holding the rose. A person with long hair walked up to him "Que te trajo aquí?" Phil motioned for a crow to hop on his horn. Brian is the one to do so. Phil then whispers to the bird "What did she say?"

"She says..... "What brought you here?" Brain repeated to Phil. Phil nods wondering how he could respond to that. He then lights up and holds out the flower. The woman's eyes went wide and her mouth hung open for a second. "Esto es para mi?". "Is this for me?" Brian quickly translates. Phil nods. It might not be the boy he's handing it to but it should do the same thing, right? The women slowly took the rose and held it. A dark mass rises from the flower and crawls up her body and turns her skin black. Her eyes slowly turn white and she staggers, stumbling a few steps as she chokes out a sob.

She then stops. White transparent wings sprout from he back as she looks forward not seeing. Phil was frozen. He looks at the lady her once slim tanned figure, now black with wings sprouting from her back. He heard an eruption of whispers from behind him. He turns, and screams rang out as he stared at the group of people. Phil spots the boy, quickly runs to the lady grabs the rose, and runs towards him. He failed to notice the lady once standing in place walking behind him. "Hey I know you can't understand me, but my crow told me to give this to you," Phil says as he shoves the rose into the boy's hands. The boy just stared at him and slowly looks down. As black crawls up his arms he slowly smiles and started laughing. When the black crawled up to his neck black demonic wings sprouted from his body and slowly moved out. He then drops the rose as horns grow from the top of his head.

Easily distracted Phil went to grab the falling rose and put it back in his hair. Phil looked up again to see not a boy but a demon standing before him. "H0w D4r3 y0U" The now demon speaks. It then lunges at Phil. The lady from before springs forward and hits the demon back, slamming it into a house. All the villagers started running and screaming, mothers picking up their children and soldiers running up to stop the fight.

Phil quickly flaps his wings and flies up hovering above the demon looking down at it. Before Phil could react it jumps up and slashes him barely missing his wing by a fraction of a hair. Phil pulls up into the air and swiftly turns his feet into hooves and dives down kicking the demon's wing. With a snap, they both fall toward the ground Phil flaps his wings right before hitting the ground stopping his fall. The demon however could not do so and hit the ground with a thump. The soldiers around tried to restrain it, but it soon broke free.

Phil was about to get ready to fight again but stopped when a shadow flew over them. He looks up to see the woman now with a halo and white robes, holding a bright bow. She pulls an arrow from the quiver on her waist and loads the bow. She aims and fires, the arrow turning into multiple as they rain on the demon. It screeches in pain and then slowly turns into ash. The angel lands and falls back, turning back into the woman from before.

As the soldiers deal with her Phil quickly flies to a tree and perches in the branches turning his arms and legs into one of a cat. As he grips onto the tree on all fours he whispers-yells at his crows. "Why didn't you tell me what would happen if I handed the rose to someone." Twitch, Phil's biggest crow caws back a response "The other crows and Lady Death wanted you to see what happens. Plus we saw that the boy was not human so why not hit two cats with one stone." Phil looked mildly offended since he's currently using cat limbs.

Brian hopped over and added on. "We wanted to see what you do. Plus it was funny how shocked you looked." Phil swats at the bird and then asked no one in particular where they should go next. A random crow jumped up and then cawed in Phil's face, "Go to my hatching place! Georgia in Colonial America" A few crows agreed but most complained about how long the flight would be.

"Welp, it has been decided let's head to "America". Which way do we fly?" Phil asks as he stretches his wings. "Southwest" Yelled out a crow. "Then let's go," Phil calls out as he flies quickly towards the southeast. "Other way" Caws a crow. Phil then takes a sharp turn all the crows follow.

Sorry guys for not uploading, but I'm here now. If anyone wants to recommend places in America for Phil to visit (while I stall a few years) please say! Remember this is during the early 1700s.

Overpowered Philza born in mhaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن