Chapter 11

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Enjoy my somewhat decent Philza Gacha edit thing. Ignore his missing horns.

After Phil flew for a few days and made it to the ocean. He pauses and turns to his crows. "This looks like it goes on forever. How do I cross?" The same crow that requested they go to Georgia flies over the ocean and grabs something in the water.

She comes back and drops a gray fish. Then puts a talon around the fish's neck and snaps it. "What's that?" asked Phil, who sadly has never seen a fish before. "This is a fish! It has fins that help it swim fast." The crow then hopped around and flapped its wings, drying it off. Phil stared at the fish trying to figure out what to do, but then it hit him. "Wait, you want me to try and grow fish fins?"

The crow stopped hopping and looked up at him. "Well yea make sure to make gills as well" She then flies to the rest. "Wait! What's a gill?" He looked at the crowd of crows, only one stepped forward. Phil instantly recognized them as Cas, the know it all. "The gills of the fish is like a filter that allows it to breathe underwater. You can see the lines by its head." one of the crows in the back cawed something about not telling him.

"Thank you Cas." Phil says, looking back at the fish. He squints at it moving it around with his hand. Usually when he turns limbs to one of an animal it kind of just happens. With this thought he walked to the waters of the ocean. Phil breathes in the smell of salt wafting through his nose.

He then slowly lowers himself into the cold water. Walking in deeper and deeper. After he walks in fully he dips his head under and opens his eyes. A burning sensation comes over him and lingers for a few seconds. Then something changes, there is no burning pain anymore. He opens his mouth and breathes in. Instead of water flowing through his lungs he inhales oxygen.

He lifts himself so his head is above water and calls out to his crows. "Hey I did it! Where do we go now?" One of the younger crows decided to risk it and sit on his head. "You go out really far and only stop when you find land." "What would you guys do? You can't fly that far." The crow stared at Phil and tapped the rose on his head with a claw. All the surrounding crows started glowing and disappeared. The only crow left was twitch. "Where did they all go?" Phil asked, confusion on his face.

Twitch hopped up and grew by about 2 sizes. "Margaux merged us. We will now have the energy to keep up." Right when twitch finished another voice came out the crow. (Slightly robotic) "Lets Gooooooo!!!" Twitch flapped their wings for a few seconds and bolted through the air. Phil quickly follows a bit clumsily due to never swimming before. He never did notice how his wings disappeared.

After only a few hours Phil is already tired. "Hey Twitch slow down I want a break!" Called out Phil as he started too slow. Twitch glided down and sat on Phil's wet hair. After floating there for a few minutes a structure came into view. From what Phil recognized it was a big boat. He quickly swam to the edge and climbed up into a window. Slowly his fins and gills disappeared.

Inside he saw a bunch of people crowded in locked up with a bunch of chains. There was a putrid smell coming from inside and he could hear moans of pain. Phil slowly made his way up to the deck. Phil's wings have not reappeared yet. After climbing up to the top a random man came up to him and shoved a dirty rag in his hands and pointed at the side of the boat.

"Scrub that clean. I don't even want to see a hint of dirt on that." The man then walked away. Phil, confused, just started to wipe off the wall. After an hour he started to get bored. "Twitch where are you?" He called out just noticing his beloved crows were gone. After walking down the edge of the boat only then did he see Twitch.

"Hey, what are you doing over here?" Phil said, lifting up the crow in his hands. "Look forward." He looked up and saw a dock filled with boats unloading tons of chained up people. "Is this the right place?" Twitch nodded then flew off the boat. Phil makes haste to follow.

After walking for a bit Twitch finally stops at a clearing. They start to glow and after the gowing stops all Phil's crows along with Twitch are standing there. One of the crows hopped on him holding something in its beak. Phil grabs it and starts to turn it in his hand. It was a small piece of gold shining in the sunlight. "Thanks Mate." He says smiling at the crow. It warbles then hops off.

(Just because I felt like it, I'm ending it here. Also I'm randomly skipping a few years again. It's now 1706 Phil is now 17.) 

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