Chapter 6

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Tw: Violence, Child Abuse, and slight gore

After Phil was in the lab for about a week he decided it would be best to think of plans to escape. It seems like his blood did end up making a few soldiers younger and stronger. He heard the other day that they plan on taking Phil's blood every day.

Phil didn't want that so he came up with a plan. Someone has been helping him, he can tell. First the note he can barely read, then the knife, but the weird thing is how a guard acts. Phil is starting to think he's the one helping. The guards do these random things that are helping him. The blanket and sitting him up is proof of that.

After some thinking, Phil decides he will make good use of his wings and mini horns. They seemed so stupid that they didn't tie up his wings and he thinks they don't know about his horns. He decides he's going to do something he saw rams doing on farms. He goes to the end of the cell opposite the bars and flies up. He then launches himself into the bars head first making a loud bang pushing the two bars he hit outwards. With enough space to squeeze through, Phil grabs his bag, knife, and blanket. He runs out of the cell and looks around for a moment.

A pounding feeling erupted Phil's thinking, stoping him momentarily. It seems him running into the bars head first finally kicked in. With a newfound headache, he quickly runs down the hallway bumping into a guard. Phil quickly stops and looks up. Just then the guard assaults him with a sword lunging at Phil who just nearly dodged. Flying up he quickly dives down and kicks the guard knocking him down.

Phil decides it would be quicker to fly instead of running and continues down the halls this time watching out for guards. After a few minutes, he comes across a cell filled with children from the ages 5-7. Phil stops and looks in, all the children are laying down face on the ground. He fies up higher and head butts the bars this time sending a shiver down his spine. With the partially broken bars, he slips inside nudging one of the kids. The boy didnt seem to stir or show any sign of life.

Phil quickly turns the kid over but immediately pulls his hands away gasping. Flies suddenly fly from the child's face swarming around the room before returning to the body. The child's face was rotting. After looking at all the kids only 1 of the 10 kids was breathing. Phil picks up the poor girl and slips out the bars.

It seems a guard was waiting for him outside. Phil got in a stance ready to fight but then he realized that this was the guard that's been nice to Phil. "Kid you should have waited I had a way for you to escape tonight, now everyone has been alerted of your escape." Phil frowned a little. "But it seems that you were doing fine without me... here let me hold her."

Phil looks down at the little girl in his arms. After a moment of thinking, he hands the girl over. Watching the man cradle her before saying "Follow me the way out is this way but be quiet people are on the lookout for you"

Phil is forced to walk as the guard says him flying makes too much noise. The guard who Phil calls blue due to his weird scarf-like bandana wrapped around his neck is currently trying to open a door. "Hey, kid I saw you broke a few bars back at the cells and do what you did to this door?" Phil flew up again and head-butted the door. This time his head hurt and he felt a warm liquid run down his head.

Not caring Phil quickly followed blue out the door. The outside looked different than when he went to the mayor's house. "Hey follow me I know a place we could stay," The man says this in a slight tone. But Phil ignores it as he follows blue. They soon arrive at a deserted town into a house. The inside is pretty empty but it works. Blue lays the girl down on a red blanket in the corner.

"So what is your name kid? Mine is Crops." Phil look up and slowly says "My.. name... is Philza." The man looks at the girl then back at Phil. "Kid if you go up stairs in the third room, look under the bed and grab a box." As Crops was saying this he tugged at his bandana. Phil payed no mind and walked upstairs.

After entering the third room he felt a hard force hitting the back of his head. He turned just in time to see Crops holding a large board. Phil falls to the ground and holds his head in pain. He looks upgain to see Crops smiling at him. "Why dont you look under the bed for a box" The creepy smile on his face worried Phil so he shook his head. "Very well then" Crops slowly closed the door. Phil heard something cover the door to the room.

What he didnt know was that something bad was happening to the girl. Crops takes her body and cuts her into small pieces what he does next only people who watched Tales From the SMP will know. While Phil was in the room he looked out a small hole in the wall to see a person with weird multi colored clothes talking to a pig man.

Phil lears something new that day. Never. Trust. Humans. They never considered people like Phil as a human so he won't think of himself as one of those monsters even if he has a few exceptions.

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