Chapter 10.4

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After Mara and Scotty's departure, Dansestari seemed much quieter to Cynthia. She gradually came to learn the route from Sabrina's apartment to the infirmary, and Marie even showed her how to reach Sabrina's conservatory, where her Earth roses were grown. It was comforting to see and smell the soil of her home planet, Cynthia found, and she took to spending some time there every day, dozing with her eyes closed and pretending she was in a park in Boston. She rarely saw anyone except Marie and the infirmary staff, although Therenden, the Castellan of Dansestari, had stopped by to introduce himself briefly. Without a calendar or any responsibilities aside from her one comatose patient, the days blended together, and her former life began to seem like a distant memory.

The day that Sabrina opened her eyes and said, "Mara?" stood out from the rest, but it was only the first in a series of small steps to recovery. Sabrina was rarely conscious for more than a minute at a time, and her memory seemed confused.

The Chief Physician, an elderly woman named Maessa, made a point of looking in on Sabrina daily. "She simply needs to rest," was her diagnosis. As time passed, she remarked, "Perhaps a more relaxing environment would be better."

Cynthia had to admit that the infirmary, like most Earth hospitals, was a terrible place to rest. There was constantly activity of some sort, and the décor was monotonous. "Where could we go?" she asked Maessa.

"Lady Sabrina doubtless has access to many of Her Majesty's homes. I will ask someone to look into it," Maessa replied.

Later that day, an even more elderly woman knocked on the door of the conservatory. Cynthia was startled; no one ever disturbed her here, not even Marie. "Yes?" she said. "Am I needed in the infirmary?"

"No, everything is fine. I was just there, looking for you."

"I'm sorry; I don't believe we've met."

"No. I'm afraid there is a dearth of mutual acquaintances to introduce us," the lady smiled. "My name is Éllina Haaron. I'm an old friend of Sabrina's. I'm very pleased to meet you at last, Dr. Grayson."

"Likewise, Ms. Haaron. What can I do for you?"

"I live at Fibräaé, which Sabrina inherited from her father. It is a lovely house, right on the beach. I would like to offer it for her convalescence."

"From her father?" Cynthia repeated, puzzled.

Éllina smiled. "I see that no one has brought you up to date on our history. The Queen's uncle, Commander Rayland, adopted Sabrina and Scotty when Her Majesty became Queen. I believe it was for political reasons, but they were all very fond of each other in the short time they had together. Rayland left his possessions to Sabrina and Scotty. One of them was this house. Sabrina has never lived there, but she visits often. Rayland is buried there, you see, along with my husband. He and I have leased the house from Sabrina since we returned home from our last diplomatic assignment."

"Ah," Cynthia said.

"I believe it is a very therapeutic environment," Éllina said hopefully. "I would be grateful if you would consider allowing Sabrina to be moved there. Of course you must come with her. It will be good to have company again; my children are long grown and gone their own ways."

Cynthia hesitated, not sure what to make of this offer. "I...I appreciate the offer. It's very kind of you, but I'm not sure I should make this decision without Sabrina's input."

"Of course. If you should want to come and see the house for yourself, you are welcome at any time. I am listed in the public directory. And of course I will be visiting Sabrina from time to time."

"Thank you. I appreciate it."

"It's strange to find oneself on a new planet, without very many acquaintances," Éllina mused. "I remember the feeling well. Please call me if you get lonely and would like to chat, or if you have questions."

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