Chapter 5: Recovery

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Sabrina took a deep breath as Commander Mukryilla's face appeared on the wallscreen. "Commander. Have I got a story for you."

There was a delay, due to the great distance between them; then Mukryilla's expression twisted into an apprehensive grimace. "That is usually your brother's line. I like it even less coming from you. But at least you are alive, and, from your composure, I take it the prince has survived as well?"

"Yes. Mostly. I mean...oh dear. I don't know how to explain all this," Sabrina said. She took another deep breath. "He's not himself. But I think he will be again once the Pharon resonance fades."

Mukryilla heaved a sigh. "I am not going to like this at all. I can tell. Should I summon Her Majesty so you will only have to make this report once?"

Sabrina was tempted to say no, to let Mara learn all this from a recording of her report or from Mukryilla's account. But that would not be fair to her friend. "Yes."

"One moment, then." The screen blanked for a moment; when it reactivated, Mara was standing beside Mukryilla.

"Is Tirqwin there too?" Sabrina asked. Might as well get it all over with.

"No," Mara said. "He and Scotty went out to the edge of Pharon space to see if they could be of assistance."

Sabrina bit her lip. "Are they safe? Have you heard from them?"

"Yes. They are fine. The disturbances are becoming less severe," Mara said. "I take it you know what caused them?"

"Yes. We...that is, Ford...well no, not Ford...I mean..." Sabrina broke off and tried again. "The planet Pharo has collapsed."

"The entire planet?" Mukryilla demanded. "How?"

"I'm not sure. I think it had something to do with the energy Ford was drawing from it. I think that caused the spatial distortions too. We're clear of them now, by the way. Ford has the ability to smooth out space, so he made us a clear pathway."

"Where is he? Can I speak to him?" Mara asked.

"I had to sedate him. He was worn out. And...he's not himself," Sabrina said. "He...absorbed a lot of energy that was bound up in Pharo because he absorbed a lot of memories we found there. He, um, thought he was the last Emperor."

Mara's eyebrows shot up. "He what?"

Sabrina sighed for what seemed like the thousandth time. "He thinks he is the Pharon Emperor. He thinks I'm...well, never mind that. But he trusts me. We got off the planet just in time. Malvarak came back for us." She shook her head. "I know I'm not telling this very coherently. Let me go back and start at the beginning."

"Please," Mara said. "But before you do that, just tell me that my son is not a threat to the galaxy, as you are making it sound."

"I don't think he is," Sabrina said. "He doesn't appear to have any ambition beyond being free to do what he wants. And I think I could steer him away from doing anything bad."

Mukryilla and Mara exchanged glances. Then Mara said, "From the beginning, Sabrina. When you left Praxatillus."

Sabrina tried to remember back that far. It seemed like weeks ago, though she realized with a shock that it could only have been a few days at most. "We were at Bathir," she began.


By the time she finished her report, Mara and Mukryilla had gone through all the aghast expressions Sabrina had ever seen on either of them and were into uncharted territory. She waited a moment for either of them to speak. When the silence stretched out, she added, "I don't think he's a threat. I really don't. I can't bring him home in any case, so the best thing to do is for us to just stay in non-Realm space until this wears off."

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