Chapter 8: Collision Course

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Sabrina became aware of something damp and soft moving along her hairline. A few seconds of analysis revealed that they felt like lips, which puzzled her enough to make her blink.

"That's it, darling. Open those lovely eyes," a voice urged.

"I want to go home," she sighed, blinking her blurry vision into focus only to find herself still in the Reissian infirmary.

"I know, sweetheart. They say they can't move you just yet. Are you in any pain?"

"My back itches like crazy."

"That's where the wound is. They had a hard time synthesizing a skin patch for you." Ford ran his hand down the arm she wasn't lying on, then reached around to her back. At first his touch burned, but a blessedly cool feeling radiated along her back as his hand moved there. "Better?"

"This is one new talent I like," she said sleepily. "Can you keep it?"

He grinned. "I'll see what I can do. Go back to sleep if you need to; I've perfected the art of wall staring, but I'm still counting your eyelashes."

She chuffed out a soft laugh. "I know how dangerous you are when you're bored. Did you...did anyone tell you why we were attacked?"

"There, erm, wasn't anyone left to interrogate," he admitted sheepishly. "I rather lost my temper." At her sigh, he hurried on. "I know, I know. I'll try not to let it happen again. I knew you wouldn't like it."

Sabrina leaned her head back a little for a better look at him, trying to gauge the extent of his remorse and judge his current state of mind. Finally she gave in and relaxed the mental barrier she'd put up earlier. It took a few moments for him to realize he was welcome, and then a wry smile transformed his face.

"I'm being good, I promise," he whispered, leaning close to her face. "I was hoping you'd let me back in because you missed me, not because you needed a lie detector."

"It's not lying I'm worried about," she yawned.

"I know. But it really was more about defense than vengeance. I mean, as far as I thought about it at the time, which admittedly wasn't much. However, I can tell everyone's wondering. It seems to have gotten me a weird kind of respect here."

Sabrina shivered. He patted her shoulder comfortingly. "Don't worry. I'm not buying into anybody's worldview. I do have some political instincts, you know. You're the only one I even remotely trust."

"Do you know where we are?"

He frowned in confusion, then said, "Oh. No, I haven't asked for an update on our progress. To tell the truth, I don't think I ever asked exactly where we're headed."

"That demonstrates a rather unfounded degree of trust," Sabrina pointed out.

"I guess you could see it that way." He grinned at her. "Go back to sleep. I'll go find out where we are and where we're going, so that when you wake up again we can move along to the next items on your nag list."

"I want to go back to your ship," she said, catching his hand as he stood up to leave. "At the first possible moment."

"Right. I'll take care of it." He leaned down to kiss her cheek.

"And find out what they're giving me. I don't want any drugs that cloud my mind. I feel foggy."

"I'll speak to the doctors. Anything else, my dear?"

She made a face. "Don't call me that."

"Right." He added her true name mentally, and she smiled blearily up at him as her eyes fell closed.

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