Chapter 7.1

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They dozed off together in the sunshine, Sabrina's exhaustion pulling Ford into sleep after her. When Ford's hearing picked up the sounds of people moving through the grass, he came instantly awake; Sabrina followed a moment later, with a small cry of alarm.

"Ssh, it's all right," he soothed. "It's just Malvarak. And someone else."

She grimaced, sitting up. When she spotted the person walking behind Malvarak, she gripped Ford's arm so tightly that he hissed in pain. She couldn't think clearly enough through the wash of terror in her mind to let go. "Reissian!" she choked out.

She could feel Ford putting up mental barriers against her, so as not to be overwhelmed with her fear, but she kept battering against them, desperate to make him understand. "They want to kill me! They assassinated my father—"

"Don't be tiresome," he snapped. "Anyone who tries to kill you will be a smoldering pile of ashes before they get within reach of you."

Malvarak smirked at Sabrina. "Skittish, isn't she? I do wonder if she has the nerve for this lifestyle."

"You know what nerve I've got!" Sabrina spat. "And you've done this on purpose!"

"No, no, my dear. The Reissian Empire was the most logical place to look for allies for the Emperor. Your irrational fear of them is merely a bonus."

"Stop that," Ford said, glaring at him. "You are not to distress her. If I have to repeat myself again, you will regret it."

"I assure Your Majesty that I will keep it in mind," Malvarak said. "May I introduce General Vertorix, representing your new allies the Reissian Empire?"

Ford nodded curtly. "What can you do to help us?"

"Your Majesty," Vertorix said, bowing slightly. "I have a suitable battleship and escort ready to accompany you to the safety of our borders."

"And what will you expect in return, General?" Ford asked, as if it didn't really matter.

"Only your...advice on certain matters. My people have been isolated from galactic politics for some time, and unfortunately we have powerful enemies. Your assistance could be invaluable. I believe we have enemies in common, so both our interests may be served."

"You mean the Wayfarers," Ford said.

"Yes, though they are cowards and must be greatly provoked before they become desperate enough to take us on," Vertorix said. "The Miahns, however, are far more aggressive. In our last encounter they murdered in cold blood an entire fleet—tens of thousands of our best citizens."

"In cold blood! You were attacking our space. You invaded our planet and murdered my father—and would have murdered me! Your fleet got exactly what it deserved!" Sabrina said.

Vertorix frowned at her, perplexed. "The events of which I speak took place a century ago. You could not have been born yet."

"My companion has a vivid imagination and a sentimental attachment to Praxatillus," Ford explained. "We are not interested in making war, General. We only wish to live quietly. I will advise you, but I will not fight battles for you. Understand this."

"No one is asking Your Majesty to participate in a battle," the General said. "Your value is far too great to risk your safety in any way. We believe that your mere presence in our territory will constitute a great deterrent to our enemies."

"If that is so, I would be happy to help you," Ford said.

Sabrina pulled at his arm. "I can't go there! I won't!"

"Kesta, please—"

"No. I can't! The sight of him makes me remember—makes me sick!" she pleaded.

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