Chapter 7.6

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Tirqwin and Cynthia had run out of conversation and were taking turns staring at Scotty, much to the annoyance of the attending physician in Palace Royal's infirmary. Cynthia, familiar with the territoriality of medical personnel, was just wondering whether it might be better to go sit somewhere else when Mara entered the room, trailed by several people she didn't recognize.

"Aurora is resting comfortably in Giandrah," Mara announced, when she was close enough to speak without raising her voice.

"Did you discover what caused her condition?" Tirqwin asked.

"I believe so. I won't know for sure until I examine Scotty." Mara's lips pursed. "It was definitely an outside influence. I hesitate to call it an attack; Aurora's response was a reaction to what she saw in Scotty's mind, not an intentional result, as far as I can determine. Her mind was certain she had seen her father murdered, but what I could see of the scene was puzzling. It was not Leran, that I am sure of. I...have a very nasty suspicion...."

Tirqwin looked up at her in surprise as she paused. "You sound reluctant."

"I am. If this is what I think it is, it will be very painful for me to experience. And I am beginning to have some alarming ideas about what this message, if that is what it is, might mean."

"You think you know where it came from?" Tirqwin guessed.

"If it is what I believe, there is only one possible point of origin."

"You're being cryptic, my dear."

"I don't want to speculate any further." Mara twisted her hands together in what Cynthia recognized as one of Sabrina's mannerisms. "Tirqwin...I may need you to pull me out of this. In fact, I'd like you to link in with me. If this is what I suspect, we can leave Scotty's mind as soon as we positively identify the scene."

Tirqwin looked as if he was smelling something bad. " not my area of expertise, Mara."

"I know. But I need you."

Cynthia felt the need to break the ensuing silence. "What can I do?"

Mara blinked, as if just realizing she was there. "Oh. Miss Grayson. I am sorry to have been remiss in welcoming you to Praxatillus. Sabrina has told me so much about you."

Cynthia waved her hand as if to ward off further courtesies. "Thanks. Now, how can I help?"

"I am afraid you cannot. Do not touch any of us, even if we exhibit signs of physical distress. I do not think this will take long." Mara rubbed her arms as if chilled. "Well. No sense in delaying any further. Tirqwin?"

Tirqwin looked as if he might protest, but one flash of Mara's violet eyes, steely with determination, made him reach for her hand in silence.

From Cynthia's point of view, it was almost disappointing. There were a few moments of silence, followed by a strangled sound from Mara and a sharp gasp from Tirqwin. Then it was over, and Mara was covering her face with her hands as Tirqwin drew her down into his lap.

"Ssh, Mara. It is all long over," he murmured, rubbing her back and rocking her slightly.

"I feel like a coward for not watching the whole thing," Mara murmured after a few minutes.

"There is no need," Tirqwin assured her. "We know what it is. We know why it had such a strong effect on Scotty. We know..." He broke off, swallowing hard with sudden realization. "We know this memory belongs only to Sabrina."

"I cannot..." Mara choked, then visibly straightened and got to her feet. Her expression hardened. "I know beyond any doubt that Sabrina would never have chosen this memory to be sent to her brother. This was not done at her instigation, or even with her cooperation."

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