Chapter 10.2

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The trip back to Praxatillus was a quick one, though not as quick as the journey out had been. It was quiet, although Khediva was crowded. Scotty and Mara rested under Khediva's constant monitoring; Cynthia, Bendei, and Danask caught up on much-needed sleep; and Aurora and Tirqwin took turns in the infirmary, much to Khediva's annoyance.

Tirqwin reluctantly turned Mara over to Aurora's charge when they arrived, bowing to her greater expertise with the Crystal, while he settled Scotty into the infirmary and argued with Cynthia, who was reluctant to turn over her patient.

"There is nothing you can do here that the staff cannot do better," he pointed out.

"Except reassure him when he wakes up again," Cynthia retorted, arms crossed. "I fail to see that my whereabouts are any of your concern, anyway."

"Are all Earth people this stubborn? How do you get anything accomplished?" Tirqwin sighed. "Fine. Stay if you like. But keep in mind, we are much more likely to need your assistance when Sabrina arrives. She is fully human, after all."

"Do you know when they'll get here?"

"No. But if you will be reasonable and go refresh yourself, I will arrange to have you notified when they reach orbit."

Cynthia narrowed her eyes at him, then said, "Okay. Here's the deal. I'm staying until Scotty wakes up. Then, if he doesn't need me, I'll go relax in Sabrina's place. You have them call me the very instant she gets here."

"Deal," Tirqwin said, making his escape. He decided to go and check on Mara first, although gaining admittance to Giandrah was likely to prove almost as annoying as composing his report to Homeworld. But he hadn't reckoned with Aurora, who had smoothed his way. He was met at the outermost cavern and conducted straight to Mara's private room, adjoining the Crystal chamber.

"How is she?" he asked softly.

Aurora looked up from the group of Miahns around Mara's bed and came over to him. "She is growing stronger," she said. "But there is something strange that we cannot identify. It is almost as if another entity is living inside her, and yet it is not strong enough to be a separate entity. It cannot be Pharon; there is no longer any trace of that resonance within her."

"Is it any danger to her?"

"Not that we can discern. She may be able to explain it when she wakes." Aurora paused. "At least to you."

"You cannot heal the physical damage?"

"The surgeon did a good job of that. Her body must relearn how to do certain things, however. I know she will find it frustrating. I hope you will help her accept that it will be a gradual process."

Tirqwin smiled ruefully. "Patience is not one of Mara's virtues. Where is Seuréa?"

"In the nursery, I assume. Do you want me to send for her?"

"Mara will want to see her when she wakes. I will get her. I should see the children and tell them what is happening." He turned to go.

"Tirqwin? Is Scotty all right? There were no complications during transport?"

"He is fine, with his very own dragon to guard him."

"Good." Aurora hesitated. "Tirqwin...may I step out of bounds for a moment, and speak as a friend of the family?"


"In your report, please remember that discretion may be necessary to protect Niavar. I have spoken with Prime Minister Rassir, and he assures me that for our part, this episode will be held highly classified. Even most planets in the Realm will not be told the entire truth. I would not ask you to dissemble with your government, but neither would I have them designate Niavar as a threat."

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