Chapter 2.2

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"No. It can't be. They—" Ford argued, breaking off when he saw the life form identification. He re-ran the scan, fiddling with the calibration some more, and then spread his hands flat on the control panel, leaning heavily on them. "They re-engineer their ships before they emerge from a period of isolation. Of course. I knew that." He snapped out of his reverie with a frown. "But what in Miah's name are they doing out here?"

"Is there anything out here, other than Pharon crystal?" Sabrina asked hopefully. Maybe this was harmless after all.

"No." Ford was grim. "Any moment now they're going to identify us as a Wayship. I don't know how they'll react. Most races won't tangle with Wayfarers."

"But the Reissians have a grudge," Sabrina finished for him.

Ford nodded. Then he grimaced and pounced on the controls, his fingers flying above them, setting the ship into motion. "Rudolf!" he shouted.

The android answered over the ship's com. "Yes, sir?"

"Finish up with the matrix and rig the other life capsule to emit life signs. Two of them. When I give you the word, jettison them both at the same time. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Are you hoping to distract them?" Sabrina asked.

"Yes. I can't re-install the matrix quickly enough to avoid them. We can't outrun them, and there's no way we outgun them."

"Bluff?" Sabrina suggested.

"I want to keep enough distance between us that they can't get detailed readings on our life signs. I don't want them to know there's a human aboard."

"But why? They don't have a grudge against Earth."

"They have a grudge against you, Sabrina. In fact they were trying to assassinate you last time you met. And the only humans that have ever been aboard a Wayship are you and your brother." He glanced at her. "Did Khediva have anything to do with that night, directly?"

Sabrina tried to remember. The Battle for Dansestari was a messy, bloody blur for her, with the exception of the scenes she remembered in too vivid detail—such as her adopted father's assassination. "She was there. She rescued Mara and Scotty after Mara bent space around the Reissian fleet. But then she was in hiding. I don't know if anybody knew she was there. I don't think so. Homeworld didn't."

"All right. I'm going to imitate Khediva's ident. She's got enough of a reputation that they shouldn't want to tangle with her. I'm going to put enough fuzz in the defense screens that any scans they run will be inconclusive."

Sabrina nodded, then let out a wry laugh. "You impersonate Khediva? Nervy."

"She hasn't caught me yet," Ford replied. "They're still coming right at us. They must know we're here by now, so it can't be bad luck."

Sabrina tried to swallow her rising terror. "What do they want out here? They couldn't use Pharon crystal, could they?"

"Maybe. I don't know. I've never met a Reissian," Ford said. "And I frankly don't see how the idea could have occurred to them. In fact I can't think how the idea occurred to any of you!"

"I think it was Scotty's idea," Sabrina said.

Ford snorted. "Naturally. Well, we'll just have to hope the Reissians don't have any Scottys in their ranks."

"God forbid!" Sabrina said fervently. She watched Ford's deft manipulation of the console, glad of anything to focus on besides the Reissian ship looming on the wallscreen.

"There." Ford straightened, flexing his fingers. It was the only indication he gave of being nervous; he didn't usually fidget. Sabrina noticed she was twisting her hands together so hard that her fingers hurt. She laid her palms flat on the console.

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