"I have the Chief Attendant with me," Tirqwin said. "We are coming over now."

Aurora moved swiftly to stand beside him. As they waited for Khediva's calculations to finish, he laid a hand on her shoulder. "Do not worry," he said. "I would be tremendously surprised to learn that Scotty is fated to die in a bed."

Aurora returned his slight smile. "He would find that enormously vexing," she agreed.


The Flight of Awani's infirmary was, at first glance, in chaos. Tirqwin and Aurora paused on the threshold, seeking any sign of their loved ones. Finally Aurora reached out and grasped the sleeve of a passing orderly. "I am the Chief Attendant to the Guardian," she announced calmly, "and I am here to aid in her treatment. Kindly conduct us to her."

He gaped at her for a moment, then led them through the bustle to an older woman who was examining Danask's arm. "It's just a sprain," she pronounced. "I will give you some painkillers."

"Thanks," Danask said, rolling her eyes in an "I-told-you-so" expression. Then she caught sight of Tirqwin and Aurora. "Sir, ma'am. Thanks for the timely arrival—if you hadn't towed us out of there, we'd all be spacedust by now."

"Give us a report," Tirqwin said tightly.

"All personnel and targets accounted for," Danask said, "and alive. Her Majesty was badly hurt—from what I can tell, the physical injuries are secondary to the massive dissonance she experienced, which caused a stroke. She was revived, and is in surgery now to repair the damaged tissue. I think they expect her to come out of it all right. Ricar and Amoret were badly hurt and are also in surgery. Lady Sabrina had to be put on total life support; I haven't heard what's wrong with her. Prince Niavar is physically okay, but disoriented and sedated. Lieutenant Devon is being treated for an undiagnosed syndrome, and Wilmik is waiting for a surgical team. Bendei and I seem to be the only ones still functional. Oh, and Dr. Grayson is overseeing Lieutenant Devon's treatment. She was not injured."

"Thank you," Aurora said, patting Danask's good arm. "Get some rest. I look forward to reading your complete report."

"Just don't expect it to make a lot of sense," Danask sighed.

Aurora smiled. "I don't." Then she turned and followed Tirqwin to where Cynthia was slumped wearily in a chair beside Scotty's bed. She blinked at them and said hoarsely, "He's sleeping. His electrolytes and just about everything else were out of balance, but he's getting better."

"What happened?" Tirqwin asked.

Aurora moved to Scotty's side and slipped her hand around his. A smile crossed his face, and he turned his head a little. "Am I dreaming?" he asked, slurring the words a little.

"No," Aurora said softly. "I'm wearing clothes."

He gave a little chuckle, struggling to open his eyes. "We home yet?"

"No. Soon."


"She's holding on," Aurora said. "Go back to sleep now. Don't worry."

He subsided, and Cynthia whispered, "He told me that the prince had used Sabrina's life energy to revive the Queen, and that it wasn't enough so he used Scotty too."

Tirqwin and Aurora stared at her, and she shrugged. "I wasn't there. But when I found them, Sabrina was dead and Scotty about halfway there. Danask made the prince try to revive Sabrina. I don't know how much good it did. I can't get an answer I understand out of these people."

Tirqwin said, "Where is Niavar?"

"The prince? He's in isolation. He got violent, and then when we were in tow, he started screaming. I think they sedated him."

The Haunted Way (Champions of the Crystal Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now