Chapter 101 - Day 2

Start from the beginning

You have just received +4 Luck!

That was another thing that he didn't understand. If his Luck was good, as indicated, and right now it was almost fifty-two, then why did he get captured in the first place? Undoubtedly, a high Luck value would mean that he would avoid capture and situations like this? Unless his luck was paltry and amounted to effectively nothing in the grand scheme of things.

I need to ask Haemish was typical stat values are. I have no idea if I am strong or a weakling deluging myself. For all he knew, values of 1000 in states were the average, and if that were the standard, he didn't stack up even remotely.

Also, had it only been a day since the last Luck notification? It seemed like a lifetime.

Refocusing his attention outside his window, Aarav realised the treeline contoured too perfectly to the wall of the palace to be naturally occurring. Either they had built the castle in line with the trees, which he doubted, or someone had trimmed the trees back, so they started roughly half a kilometre from the walls in all directions.

I guess medieval tactics to keep the area around a castle are still in play here, even with magic and other things in this world. Unless there is another reason, he couldn't think what it could be if there were another reason.

Unbidden, another thought occurred to him, what would it be like to have modern technology in a world like this? He had often thought of that new twist on an old tale. A traveller goes to the past and introduces new technologies and then ushers in a whole new age single-handedly. "Yeah, that would be a hoot! But no one can do that alone. Not even an Engineer like me!"

"It seems you too are talking to yourself, though I don't understand most of what you say, I understood even less of that! Did you know that talking to yourself can be considered the first sign of madness? In some parts, so I hear anyway?"

Aarav whirled at the sound, "Would you stop doing that! If I didn't know better, I would say that you enjoyed spooking me half out of my skin every time I saw you! Ever heard of knocking?"

Haemish stepped into the room under Aarav barrage, and his words broke on the rotund man like a wave over rocks, not leaving a mark. "Hmm? I thought you might be sleeping and didn't want to disturb you. Also, you haven't earned my trust yet! It has barely been a day since we...met. Come on, lots to get done today!"

"I can't move as fast as you. Do you plan to carry me everywhere? And don't think I am letting you barging into my room go!" Aarav let the annoyance dissipate, and it wasn't getting him anywhere with his man. "I assume this is my room? Where are we anyway?"

"In the West Wing of the palace, overlooking the river which I see you were getting acquainted with, this is the third floor. Or are you contemplating your escape? You know you are no longer a prisoner here, and you may leave whenever you feel like." That was precisely the opposite of what the King had said yesterday, though. Aarav quirked an eyebrow and said as much.

"You will see if I tell you it takes all the fun out of it!" Haemish chortled, and a sinking feeling hit Aarav. Something was not quite right with this situation. If he was so free to leave, why had the King said he should stay in the castle? He didn't see the type to say things unnecessarily.

"Well, give it a go then!" Haemish repeated.

Aarav turned back to the grinning man. Was there something a little evil about his smile, or was that just Aarav's thinking?

"No, I think I'm alright, thanks. I think I will come with you instead." He needed the rest of the skeleton, and then he would plan to escape if he felt like it.

Haemish's smile just diminished a little but remained fixed on his face. "Very well, would you like to fly or rather I carry you back down to the lab?"

The man's words felt like another test to Aarav. Was Haemish still trying to gauge his abilities? Or was it a coincidence? "It would be great if you could care for me, and I am feeling a little worn out from yesterday's activities still." Aarav lied.

"Very well. Off we go then!" Haemish came over to Aarav in a couple of steps and scooped him up. Even though he had been expecting it, this was more undignified than he had expected. He remained silent, though, preferring to let sleeping dogs lie.


Moving is annoying and moving halfway across the world from East Africa to the UK is even worse. That is my excuse for missing a week but will be posting all 6 chapters today! Yayy, if you don't like it take it up with marketing! (Just kidding, I am marketing. lol)

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