"I can't thank you enough." said Blythe, holding the doctor's embrace a few seconds longer.

"Take care of yourself," said Chabrik, tilting her head and raising an eye-brow towards the cubicle, "these don't seem like your usual companions."

Blythe grinned widely. "Don't worry, I have Raygar to look after me." Chabrik responded with a smile, then turned to leave. Blythe spun on a heel and swept back the thin yellow curtain, entering in the middle of a conversation.

"What happened after that, where's the others?" asked Oscar, he looked ashamed, slumped on his hospital bed. A thin, flowery garment covered the shoulder that had required surgery - a predicament which had left him feeling sore and embarrassed.

"I asked them to stay away in case any Malikai followed." Ezra replied, resting his muscular arms on the bedside table from his little chair. Old scars ran over his dark flesh like angry veins, etched from a previous life as a mercenary.

"And Logan?"

Ezra shrugged a shoulder. "There was someone he went to see," he said, sounding both uncertain and uninterested. "Raygar took him. Sy, Rhea and Will went too."

A deep breathe emptied the contents of Oscar's weary lungs. "I'm...real sorry, boss," he squinted, his heavy eyes on the verge of crying, "I should have been quicker, I'm an idiot for getting shot-"

"That's enough of that, kid," Ezra cut-in, "there's only one thing you need to think about right now - and that's gettin' your ass better." A fat digit in fingerless, leather gloves jabbed Oscar. "Then you can make amends...deal?" He curled his fingers back into a tight fist, offering his knuckles as a gesture of brotherly agreement. Oscar shuffled his body, and met Ezra's fist with his own, gently knocking knuckles.

"Deal...boss." conceded Oscar. The yellow curtain crinkled, and with a sharp tug, Raygar entered.

"Sister," he said, smiling as he noticed Blythe at the foot of the bed. He acknowledged Ezra with a nod. "How he doing?" he asked, gesturing at Oscar.

"He's fine." Ezra answered, leaning to the side to see beyond Raygar. "Where's the others?"

"They wait in car," replied Raygar, a thumb pointing over his shoulder, "outside." He walked alongside the bed, opposite to Ezra, pulling something from under his shirt. "Oscar, this for you, aye."

Oscar glanced briefly at the battered, leather booklet on offer, then closed his eyes, and sunk his head into the pillow, disinterested. "A book...great."

Raygar placed it next to him on the bed. "It be from Logan," he said, watching as Oscar's eyes fluttered open at the name. Oscar lifted his head, and looked directly at him. "He hoped you might find some comfort in its words."

Oscar plucked the journal from the bed, running a fingertip over the bold title. His eyes went wide with shock - like he'd just seen a ghost. It was entitled Sylvia. "Where did Logan...get this?"

"Don't ask me," answered Raygar, throwing his hands aloft in a gesture of innocence. "I just pass on information, aye."

"Why didn't he bring it up?" Oscar asked himself, wiping away the forming tears in his eyes.

Ezra's giant hand landed on his leg, grabbing his attention. "I think that's pretty obvious...don't you?"

Oscar's bottom lip trembled as he understood Ezra's meaning, he knew he hadn't exactly made Logan feel welcome in the group. His head dropped with shame and he wiped his face with the back of his hand, clearing his bleary eyes. "Can you...thank him for me, please?" He didn't look up as he spoke, his face remained hidden by a protective hand, eyes darting back and forward to the heavy journal against his thigh.

Blood of the Ancient - The Helix Rebellion saga #1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt