Papa Don't Preach Part 2

Start from the beginning

"No, honey. We'll keep an eye out though. Are you sure you're okay? When's the last time you've eaten?" She scans Mia's forehead with her palm.

"I'm fine, Mom. Really. I gotta go." I said while jogging throughout the hospital.

Author POV:

"You have to talk to her, Derek. She was okay when she was on Sloan's service for the first week or so, but it's clear that she misses you. I don't like seeing my two favourite people not getting along." Meredith smiles

"I'll try. I miss my best resident with me. She had a great passion for Neuro." Derek says


"Have you guys seen a little boy named Tommy? He's five, brown hair, overalls?" Mia looks all over for this kid and she runs back to check on all of her patients in the ICU simultaneously.

All doctors and nurses shake their head.

5 Hours Later

Mia's dressing wounds and burns in the ICU and she sees that one her patients start to code.

"No! Get a crash cart!" She yells and starts pumping the man's chest.

So many people were dying that day, she didn't want to lose any more.

"Get the paddles, now!" She orders

"Clear!" she says repeatedly over and over again.

"Doctor, there's no rhythm. I think we should stop now." one of the elderly nurses says.

"Time of death, fourteen-twenty-one," Mia said emotionless.

She walks out of the room and goes to check on her other patients.

"Dr. Grey? Did you find Tommy anywhere?" Ms. Roberts asks.

"No, Ms. Roberts. I can't find him anywhere. I'm sure he's alright though. It's possible that he could be at Seattle Pres. They sent a bunch of the victims over there as well because we're closed off." Mia explains

"Oh, okay. Um, thank you for trying." She forces a smile.


"Hi, this is Dr. Grey from Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital. I'm calling to find out if you have a five year old patient there from the apartment fire? His mother is here." She talks to the receptionist on the phone.

"I'll check ma'am, just one second. It says that there's a boy named Tommy Roberts, he's in surgery at the moment. I can call back and update you once he's out?" She says

"Okay, thank you so much. Bye." She goes back to the ICU.

"He's at Seattle Pres, he's in surgery right now and they're gonna call back when he's out. Everything will be okay, Ms. Roberts."

"Oh, my God. Thank you. I just want to see my little boy." She cries

"You will soon. I promise. This horrible day will be done shortly." she sighs

Mark walks in.

"Hey, Baby Shepherd. I need you to update all of my post-ops. Redress burns when you're done. If you need me, I'll be in surgery." he says

"Okay." she nods her head.

Today the hospital had more deaths than saves in a long time. It had never been this bad. Mia was trying her best to hold it together for her patients, but she was on the verge of a breakdown.

She was now updating all of the post-ops and charts.

She was sitting by the desk, waiting for that phone call.

The Life of Mia Grey-ShepherdWhere stories live. Discover now