Chapter 18: Progeny

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Lana's lying-in bed awake when she hears her door open. Lana turns over to see Lex and sees him hurt. Lana worriedly says, "Lex, what happened?" Lex says, "I was in a little fender bender last night." Lana says, "Why didn't you wake me?" Lex says, "Lana, you've been dealing with so much lately. I wanted to let you sleep. It seems like you're not sleeping much anyway." Lana softly says, "I haven't told anyone yet. Somehow, saying I lost the baby out loud makes it more real." Lex says, "I know. I'm hurting as much as you are." Lana says, "The last sonogram, the baby was perfectly healthy." Lex says, "Lana, I promise. Give it time, and we'll have a house full of beautiful children." Lana softly says, "What if there's something wrong with me? What if that's why I lost the baby?" Lex says, "You can't do that to yourself. Dr. Albright told us, 1/3 of all pregnancies miscarry with no rhyme or reason." Lana says, "I want a complete check-up. I want every test possible to find out what went wrong." Lex says, "Absolutely. I'll make an appointment immediately. Now, you get some rest." Later, Lana's at the hospital and the doctor says, "Well, the good news is, there's no sign of a concussion. Because of your recent miscarriage I would like to run a few tests just to be safe."


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Liana walks into her sister's hospital room and sits by her bed and says, "I wanted to come when I got the call from Lex, but I was in a compromising position

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Liana walks into her sister's hospital room and sits by her bed and says, "I wanted to come when I got the call from Lex, but I was in a compromising position. Are you okay?" Lana says, "I guess that depends on your definition." Liana says, "Is the baby alright?" Lana says, "I lost it a few days after the wedding. You're the first person I've told." Liana grabs her sister's hand and softly says, "I'm so sorry." Lana says, "I feel like I've lost so much... that having this baby would change things, but... Now that it's gone... this isn't the life that I wanted." Liana says, "Does this have anything to do with what happened the day of your wedding? You told me you weren't gonna marry Lex and then, all of sudden, somehow... something changed your mind. What was it?" Lana says, "It was just wedding-day jitters, that's all." Liana knows that's a lie and says, "Lana... it was more than that. I can help you. You don't need to be afraid. Whatever you need--" Lana cuts her sister off and says, "Liana, I need you to stop worrying about me. It's okay, really. I'm going to get through this like I always do." Later, the doctor comes back into the room and says, "Well, now, Mrs. Luthor." The doctor looks at Liana and says, "Would you mind give us a moment alone?" As Liana gets up to leave, Lana stops her and says, "Whatever you have to say to me, she can hear it." The doctor nods and Liana goes back to sitting down. The doctor says, "I did an extensive battery of tests and actually, I found something quite troubling." Lana sits up in her bed and says, "What is it? What's wrong?" The doctor says, "Did you give yourself injections or did you take pills?" Lana says, "I took prenatal vitamins. That's it." The doctor says, "Vitamins don't cause fatigue, nausea and the suspension of your menstrual cycle. Synthetic hormones do." Liana says, "Synthetic hormones? What do you mean?" The doctor says, "That's what we found in your blood stream, Mrs. Luthor. That's what you took to fake a pregnancy and to force a marriage to a billionaire. When you stopped taking them it appeared as if you'd simply miscarried, didn't it?" Lana has tears in her eyes and says, "I don't understand. I saw the sonograms. I saw my baby." The doctor says, "I don't know whose baby you saw but I can assure you, it wasn't yours." Lana can't believe this and says, "I was never pregnant." The doctor leaves and Lana's in tears. Lana sniffs and says, "Who would do such a thing as go as far and make a fake pregnancy?" Liana says, "Isn't it obvious? Lex would. Lana, you married a monster. He just wants to see you in pain. I want him dead for what he did to you." Lana looks at the anger and hatred in her sister's eyes and squeezes her hand and softly says, "Hey, let me handle Lex." Liana nods and softly says, "Okay."

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