Chapter 9: Subterranean

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Lana's walking the halls of the mansion drinking tea, when she sees Lex. Lex says, "You didn't get much sleep." Lana says, "Neither did you." Lex says, "It's kind of become a pattern lately." Lana says, "You mean, since you proposed?" Lex says, "Lana, I don't want you to give me an answer until you're ready. To be honest, I wish I could take it back. Look, I'm usually... more calculated and strategic. But with you... You never make me see clearly. I do everything out of impulse." Lana softly says, "You're not the only one. Things have just moved so fast. Take as much time as you want." Lana softly smiles and says, "Thank you." Lana then grabs Lex's tie and says, "Are you sure the board can't survive without their boss for one more hour?" Lex kisses Lana and says, "Believe me... if I could stay with you, I would. Look, just because I'm stuck in an office all day doesn't mean you can't be off having fun. Three lost Vermeer paintings were discovered last month. You should go to the opening." Lana says, "At the Metropolis Museum?" Lex says, "Actually, it's bit farther. At the Rijksmuseum." Lana says, "In Amsterdam. Lex, that's 4000 miles away." Lex says, "And one of the most romantic cities... in the world. Where you'll feel very lonely and realize how much you miss me." Lana smiles and says, "Nice strategy, boss." Lex says, "Only if it works." Lex softly kisses Lana and brings her in for a hug. Later, As Lana's packing for Amsterdam she calls her sister. Liana says, "Hello?" Lana says, "Hey, so I'm going on a little trip. When you like to come with me?" Liana says, "Okay, sure. Where are we going?" Lana says, "Amsterdam." Liana says, "Amsterdam? Isn't that a little far for a small trip?" Lana says, "Yeah, I know. It was Lex's idea. He said that I should go somewhere fun." Liana says, "Okay."


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Later, the sisters are on a jet to Amsterdam

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Later, the sisters are on a jet to Amsterdam. Liana notices Lana's acting weird. Liana softly says, "Hey, you, okay?" Lana nods and Liana sighs and says, "You know you can tell me anything, Lana." Lana softly says, "I know, but I'm fine." Liana nods and softly says, "Okay." The girls get to Amsterdam and go to the musem. After the musem they go explore Amsterdam. Liana brought her camera and is taking lots of pictures of the scenery. The girls then do a little shopping and then gets some food. Liana smiles and says, "I still can't believe you're pregnant and that I'm gonna be an aunt. I'm so excited." Lana softly laughs and says, "I can tell. I'm excited too. I hope it's a girl." Liana smiles and says, "Me too. Lex, must be really happy." Lana softly smiles and says, "Yeah, he is." After the girls enjoy there day, there on the Jet heading home. Lana sighs and softly says, "Lex, proposed." Liana looks at Lana with widen eyes and says, "What?" Lana nods and says, "Yeah." Liana softly says, "What did you say?" Lana says, "I never gave him an answer." Liana arches a brow and says, "Why?" Lana sighs and says, "I don't know. Our relationship is moving a little too fast, I mean first I'm pregnant and then he asks me to marry him. He was so sweet, he said he'll wait for me." Liana softly smiles and says, "Aww, how romantic." Later, Lana walks into the library to see Lex playing the piano. Lex sees her and says, "Hey." Lana smiles and says, "Hi." Lex kisses her hand and says, "How was your trip?" Lana says, "Well, a small-town girl from Kansas in the presidential suite... with a stretch limousine at her back and call. It was definitely a change." Lex says, "I'm sorry, if you felt uncomfortable." Lana smiles and says, "Not at all. Actually, I thought it was amazing." Lex says, "Yeah, it's easy to get used to, isn't it?" Lana says, "Lex, there were 2000 people in line for that art exhibit and suddenly the ocean parted and me and Liana were escorted past everyone. I realize that money isn't just luxury, Lex. It's power." Lex says, "And that power can be yours too, now." Lana softly says, "Think of all the good we can do in the world. And I know exactly where I want to start." Lana gives Lex the newspaper about the Immigrant slaves.

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