Chapter 13: Crimson

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Clark and Chloe walk into the Talon, but see it decorated for Valentine's Day. Clark says, "Chloe, what the heck is this? I thought we were coming in here to get a coffee. How could you do this to me?" Chloe says, "I didn't know, I swear. I'm sorry, Clark." As Clark goes to leave, Chloe stops him and says, "No, hey, you're not gonna spend the rest of your life hiding in the barn, either. Let's go." As their walking, Clark says, "What is it you always say about Valentine's Day? Oh, yeah. Our annual sneak peek at hell. That must have been before Cupid struck." Chloe says, "Don't you think after being trapped in a front seat to the Clark-Liana Operetta I deserve a good V-day?" Clark looks at Chloe and says, "You're the only person who can make me feel guilty relieved, and a little sad all in one sentence." Chloe shrugs her shoulders with a smile and says, "It's a gift. Don't worry, Clark. Your achy-breaky heart will go away too, one of these days." Clark says, "Can you put that in writing?" Chloe softly smiles and says, "Just give the Liana thing a little more time. I mean, after the break with Oliver maybe there's hope for you and Liana to be together again." Clark nods. Then Lois and Jimmy walks in the Talon and Lois says, "Whoa... is it really wrong that I want these chubby cherubs to burst into flames?" Jimmy says, "The, the way I see it, Valentine's Day is finding out how babies are born." Lois says, "What?" Jimmy says, "Look, just stay with me. It's like, it seems so weird and confusing but when that bomb finally hits, it's like everything clicks into place. You know, it all seems to make sense." Jimmy sees Chloe and kisses her. Chloe pulls away with a smile and says, "Jimmy." Lois appears next to Jimmy and Chloe continues to say, "And Lois." Clark says, "Welcome to love fest." Lois says, "Yeah, and me without my Uzi." Chloe looks at Jimmy and says, "Excuse us for just one second." Chloe and Jimmy talk privately, and she says, "What are you doing? You were supposed to bring Liana not Lois." Jimmy says, "I know, but Liana wasn't up for it, so Lois offered to come." Chloe sighs and says, "Great, our plan of getting them back together is a bust." The couple sighs and leaves. Clark and Lois just stand awkwardly next to each other. Lois sighs and says, "I knew I shouldn't have offered to come. I should be with Liana helping her through her breakup and instead I get stuck with you." Clark nods and says, "Yeah, I don't like this either. Well, I've had my fill of fat babies with arrows. Knock yourself out, Lois." Lois sighs and then hears a woman say, "Little down on love?" Lois turns to the woman and says, "After my sister getting dumped again, I don't have much hope for me falling in love. Cupid could use me for target practice, and I still wouldn't feel anything." As Lois goes to walk away, the woman says, "Then maybe you need a little Euphoria Elixir or Romance Remedy. Just a budge in order to find your true love." Lois says, "True love? Honey, you're talking to somebody who's still waiting for acid-washed to come back in style." The woman opens her trunk and pulls out a box and says, "Try this. It's made with jasmine and a mixture of aphrodisiac oils. I get the brilliant hue from red meteor rocks." The woman hands the box to Lois and she opens it to find a lipstick. Lois holds it up and says, "This is gonna make me fall in love with someone new?" The woman says, "The first man you set eyes on." Lois opens the lipstick and says, "Hmm. Who knows? Maybe this color will look good on me, huh?" Lois then applies the lipstick and she sees Clark through the mirror and starts to feel warmth around her heart. Lois smiles and says, "Clark." The next day, Lois knocks on the Kent's door. Mrs. Kent opens the door and is shocked at what Lois is wearing and Mrs. Kent says, "Lois?" Lois smiles and says, "Is Clark here?" Mrs. Kent says, "Yeah. Come in." As Lois walks in Clark is pouring orange juice and a cup and says, "Hey, Lois, listen, I'm sorry that Jimmy pulled you into that last night." Clark looks up to see Lois and is shocked at what she's wearing, and Lois says, "Mrs. K, can you give us a couple minutes?" Mrs. Kent says, "Yeah. Um, I-I'll be upstairs." Lois walks to Clark and takes the juice out of his hands and holds Clark's palm and says, "Here we find ourselves all alone. Wow, how did I never notice what big, strong hands you have?" Clark awkwardly chuckles and take his hand out of Lois and says, "What's going on, Lois?" Lois says, "Well, you know me. I'm not very good with words, so..." Lois gives Clark a mix CD and continues to say, "People don't think Whitesnake sings power ballads, but they do." Clark smiles and says, "You made me a mix CD." Lois smiles and says, "Yeah. I will kill you if you tell anyone this but... there's nothing that I love more... than slow dancing with some big, strong arms around me. Just like yours, Clark." Lois arms Clark's arms around her and she wraps her arms around his neck. Clark smiles and then realizes what she's doing and gives the CD to her and says, "L-Lois, why-why don't you do put this on?" Lois lets go of Clark and turns around to go play the CD. Lois says, "Okay. I know how you dance, so... just in case..." Lois turns to see that Clark is gone. Lois says, "Clark?"

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