Chapter 15: Freak

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¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Liana, Chloe, and Lana are at Smallville Lanes for Lana's bachelorette party

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Liana, Chloe, and Lana are at Smallville Lanes for Lana's bachelorette party. Lana rolls her ball, and she hits in the gutter, and she says, "Okay, so maybe bowling isn't my calling, but it is one of the last doctor-approved exercises left." Chloe says, "Look, Lana, I love rolling gutter balls just as much as the next girl, but I've got to admit I expected something a little different for the bachelorette party." Chloe rolls and it lands in the gutter too. Liana and Lana both laugh, and Lana says, "I know I could've invited a bunch of girls and gone out in the limo for a night on the town but, this is so much more special." Chloe smiles and says, "Yeah, eating chili fries and knocking down pins." Lana smiles and says, "With my sister and my best friend, like we used to, one last time." Liana scoffs and says, "Lana, you're getting married. You're not moving to Antarctica." Lana says, "I'm also having a baby. And I have a feeling these girls' nights out are gonna be a lot harder to come by." Liana says, "I wouldn't be so sure. But just in case, let's document the night." Liana grabs her camera and holds it up to Lana and says, "Ready?" Lana smiles and says, "Yeah." Liana takes a picture and Liana laughs and says, "Cute." Liana takes another one of Lana trying to bowl. Then Liana takes a picture of the three of them. Chloe smiles and says, "Yay! One last picture of Lana Lang before she becomes Lana Luthor." Liana fakes smiles and Lana says, "Wow, that's weird." A guy named Daniel comes up and says, "Excuse me. I couldn't help but notice your form was perfect, but your wrist is a little off. You think I could give you a pointer?" Chloe says, "Wha, who's gonna man the shoe fort?" Daniel says, "I could care less, my shift's over, anyways." Chloe smiles and says, "Okay." Daniel hands Lana a ball and says, "Here." Lana grabs it and says, "Alright." Lana clears her throat, and Daniel says, "Okay, you're gonna point the inside of your elbow straight down that lane." Lana says, "Okay, I'll try, but don't sign me up for the pro bowling league just yet." The girls laugh and Daniel says, "Oh, trust me. I've got the magic touch." Lana smiles and says, "Alright." Lana rolls the ball, and she gets a strike and Lana smiles and says, "Oh! My God, I did it." Liana smiles and says, "Wow, nice tip. And it's the last frame. You get to go again." Lana smiles and says, "Cool." Lana grabs her ball, and Daniel says, "Remember what I said." Lana says, "Okay." Lana rolls her ball, and she knocks all of them down except one and then the last one magically falls down. Lana screams for joy. Liana looks at Daniel next to her wondering if he helped her. Daniel high-fives Lana and says, "Congrats." Chloe smiles and says, "Good job, Lana." Daniel looks at Lana and says, "Hey, uh, why don't you give me your number and I'll share a few more tips?" Lana holds up her hand and says, "I'm not sure that my fiancée would approve." Daniel says, "Ah, yeah. Probably not." Lana says, "Thank you." Daniel walks away and Lana smiles at Liana and says, "Come on, Liana. How about one more picture?" Liana's focused is on Daniel. Later, as the girls are getting ready to leave, Liana says, "Um, I'll be right back. I'm gonna get some air." Lana says, "Okay." Liana goes out the back entrance to see Daniel being taken away. Liana says, "Hey!" Daniel says, "Help." As Liana goes to help him the car almost runs her over and she feels someone push her out the way. Liana gets up and sees it was Chloe and she says, "Are you okay? What just happened?" Liana says, "I'm fine, but Daniel he's been kidnapped."

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