Chapter 1: Zod

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Lana looks down at the city of Metropolis and looks at Lex and says, "The city's tearing itself apart. All those people... We have to help them." Zod says, "Help them?" Lana says, "With the powers Fine gave you, you could end the riots. You could save everyone, Lex." Zod says, "Lex Luthor is dead. My name is Zod." Zod grabs Lana and he flies off the building. Zod has a hold of Lana and Lana says, "Let go of me. Where are you taking me?" Zod says, "Zod doesn't take orders. He gives them." Lana says, "What is Zod? What are you talking about?" Lana sees that Zod brought her to the spaceship, and she says, "Oh, God. You're one of those things from that ship." Zod says, "Aethyr and Nam-Ek? Mere foot soldiers here at my command." Lana says, "Whatever is happening, it's not you. It's the ship. It's Fine controlling you. You have to fight it, Lex." Zod says, "I already told you, Lex is gone." Lana shakes her head and says, "I don't believe that." Zod grabs Lana's face and says, "Do you really think Zod cares what a primitive like you believes?" Lana says, "If Lex is really dead... then why waste your time with a primitive like me?" Zod takes his hand of Lana and says, "To bear witness to the end of the human era. And the rebirth of Krypton." Lana says, "Krypton?" Zod says, "A shining jewel in a vast, dark universe. And you have the privilege of playing a part in its resurrection." A piece of the ship comes to Zod, and Lana shields her eyes at the bright light. Lana takes her hands away and slowly walks backwards to leave, when she turns see sees Zod. Zod says, "There's no escaping what's about to happen." Zod then takes Lana to Lex's mansion and Lana says, "How did you know to come here? This is Lex's home. If there wasn't part of him still alive inside you, how did you remember this place?" Zod's on the computer and says, "You had feelings for this human." Lana says, "Yes." Zod looks at Lana and says, "His feelings for you were also strong. They left an unpleasant taste when I consumed his essence." Zod looks back at the computer and says, "This virus crippling your technology can only be stopped at the original point of infection. It's the only reason I'm here. Zod places the object from the ship on the computer and spins it." Lana looks at the computer and says, "You got rid of the virus." Zod says, "I need it to acquire information." Lana sees the lights flickering and says, "The power." Zod looks at the lights flickering and says, "It would take days for your people to restore it. If they had that much time." Lana looks at the computer and says, "The Pentagon." Lex says, "There's something there I need." Lana says, "What are you going to do?" Zod says, "Finish what I've started. The black ship would have sent a pulse around the world, reshaping it's crust." Lana looks at Zod and says, "Into what?" Zod looks at Lana and says, "My home." Lana says, "That planet you were talking about. Krypton." Zod says, "Only this time it will be perfect. The start of an empire ruled by the bloodline of Zod." Lana says, "I thought you needed the black ship." Zod sighs and says, "Its hard drive can still initiate the pulse. But I need access to your military satellites to broadcast it." Lana grabs a pole and says, "I'm not gonna let you do this." Zod looks at Lana and says, "There's nothing to be afraid of. The fate of your race will not be yours if you give me what I want." Lana says, "What?" Zod says, "An heir." As Lana goes to hit Zod, he grabs the pole and sticks the pole right through Lana's hand. Lana screams in pain and Zod says, "We'll discuss this further when I return from your Pentagon. Lana then pulls the pole out of her hand and she's screaming in agony. Later, Lana goes to the Kent farm and walks in on Lionel and Mrs. Kent hugging. Lana has tears in her eyes and says, "Where's Clark?" Mrs. Kent looks at Lana and says, "Lana. I don't know where Clark is." Lana says, "I heard him talking to Chloe about killing Lex. I don't understand what was happening." Lionel looks at Lana and says, "Lana, where's Lex? We have to find him." Lana says, "It's too late. The things he can do now, I don't think there's anyone on earth who can stop him." Mrs. Kent says, "There might me. I have to kill him with this." Mrs. Kent is holding a Kryptonian sword." Lana says, "You would never get close enough to even use that. But I can. A lot of people are going to die if you don't let me do this. It's the only way." Mrs. Kent walks over to Lana and gives her the weapon. Later, Lana goes back to Lex's mansion and says, "That's all it takes to end the world?" Zod turns to look at Lana and says, "And begin a new one. You freed yourself but didn't run. Why?" Lana walks up to Zod and says, "I realize there was nothing to run to. Sometimes... to survive, you have to give up the things that you care about... and just give in to your fate." Zod walks closer to Lana and says, "You would give me an heir? Willingly?" Lana says, "The first of many." Zod's on the couch with Lana in his lap and they're making out. As Lana kisses his neck, Zod says, "Perhaps I have underestimated the females of your species." As a tear rolls down Lana's cheek she says, "Or maybe you just underestimated me." As Lana goes to stan Zod, he stops her and he says, "You shouldn't play with things you don't understand." Zod punches Lana and she goes flying to the ground. Lana watches Zod break the knife and he says, "Do you really think you could make a difference? Nothing can change the fate of your world." Then the room starts shaking and falling apart. As Lana is crawling away from Zod, he grabs her and chokes her on the wall and Zod says, "You could have been at my side as Krypton is reborn. Now you'll die with all the rest." Clark appears and says, "Let her go." Zod let's go of Lana and she passes out. Later, Liana wakes up in the hospital. Clark walks into Liana's room and Liana has a soft smile and says, "Hey, Smallville." Clark pulls up a chair next to her and says, "Hey, how you are feeling?" Liana says, "I'm okay. Just glad to be alive. Guess I have your mom to thank for that. You know, honestly... I don't even remember the plane going down. The cabin lost pressure. I was gasping for breath. And then I was in this palace of ice. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. I was bathes in this warm light... and I knew everything was gonna be okay." Clark says, "Liana, you were, uh, hurt pretty badly. Maybe you were hallucinating." Liana softly says, "No, it was real. I think I died and went to heaven. Clark softly smiles and says, "Then I'm glad you're back." Clark squeezes Liana's hand and Liana softly smiles and squeezes his hand back. Later, As Lana made sure her sister was okay and that herself was okay, she was walking out the hospital, but just before she could so that a voice said, "Lana. Are you alright? What happened?" Lana's surprised he doesn't remember and says, "You don't remember?" Lex says, "I was in the field with you. Then everything went white. Next thing I know, I woke up here." Lex looks at Lana's wrapped hand and grabs it and says, "Is that why you're afraid of me? Is this all because of me?" Lana softly says, "Lex, you weren't yourself. The things you did, it wasn't your fault. I tried to stop it. Lex, I almost killed you." Lex grabs her shoulder and says, "Lana. Hey. I would have done the same thing. Look, I can never make up for what happened. All I can do is move forward and try to rebuild everything I've damaged." Lana softly says, "That might not be easy." Lex says, "Well, nothing worth it ever is." 

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