XII - Sunrise {Bonus}

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That afternoon, Jeff came over to discuss with Harry what their plans are, including the plan that is me. I'm glad Jeff did because something felt wird until that. Harry and I practically had no kind of conversation, just awkward exchange of words. Maybe that's normal?

But then, the three of us reunited in the living room talking about going at least to the studio tomorrow and see, at the time, what we feel like doing. I wasn't quite a part of that reunion, though, I just sit back listening to them and agreeing whenever they asked for my consent on anything.

Then we all had dinner together and after Jeff left, me and Harry agreed on going to sleep earlier so that we had much sleep and wake up with energy.

Luckily, I fell asleep well and fast. But apparently Harry didn't, because my phone buzzes around midnight, waking me up from a beautiful dream. "You awake?"

I sight. What does he want? "I am now" I rest my head waiting for a reply and wonder if I should ask why.

"Good :)" I was about to ask him what was up with him but soon after my answer came, stopping me from typing and widening my eyes "Come here"

This can't be it. I'm sure he is having some kind of lucid dream and has no control on his actions.

"Harry I'm sure the sun is not rising rn. Why would I go there?" My subconscious apparently knows very well why, because suddenly I walk out of my room and enter Harry's. Without even knocking or anything, I leave the door open behind me and remain there, standing and looking at the nothingness of the air thinking what have I just done?


I can't see it but I sense the hesitant smirk of accomplishment on his face. "Lay down here next to me."

My eyes snap to his half siting half laying figure on the bed, hoping I miss heard him. "What?! Why would I?"

"Because I want you..." He looks me in the eye as his voice drifts away and quickly returns to finish the sentence for the sake of my heart that almost stopped for good "...to make me some company."

His gaze changes to a sort of mischievous one as he adds "I had a nightmare."

I frown processing the information and say, now more calmly, although still incredulous "What? What if I don't want to?"

He shifts his gaze down at his hands in an hopeless move. "Well, in that case... you go back to your room."

"Well, in that case, excuse me." I try to be as gentle as possible turning around and making my way back to my room. However, I remain sitting on the edge of the bed, speechles. That didn't just happen. It's obvious he didn't had any nightmare and it was just a persuasive move. But why did he felt the need to? Bad for him, I don't usually let myself be drag by persuasion. I always think by myself and it is hard for someone to change my mind.

But then again, it is Harry. He can do whatever he wants, so maybe that's why a stand up and go back to is room.

He turned off the light on his nightstand, meanwhile, and lay down more comfortably on his back. The moonlight is enough for me to easily round the bed and lay down on the free side, hesitantly but quickly. I cover only my lower part with the thin cloud-like soft sheet and remain laying on my back as well, trying to decide what is my next move.

"Thought you didn't wan--"

"Shut up." I interrupt the deep low voice on my right which face turns on its pillow to me, the only sound in the room being our uncertain breathings. We both remain facing the ceiling above us for minutes, until, thinking about it, I have the guts to speak "I was dreaming of you... before you called."

He turns his head back to me, his breath slightly getting heavier and giving me chills as it reachs me. "Yeah? What about?" He says slowly and lower thar usual, almost whispering but still a bit raspy. My heart races, making it hard to keep a controled breathing.

"We were just like this..." I say slowly and hesitate "...the only difference is that you're not kissing me, right now."

Some part of me hopes we finds it funny and laughs, and the subject would be dismissed. But instead he starts breathing from his mouth, apparently the nose not reaching the qualifications demanded in that moment. I stay quiet with nothing more to add.

"I could make it come true." I wide my eyes at the words spoken on my right as my heart skips eight beats. That was not what I meant... I think. Hopefully he's just kidding around with me. Somehow I still manage to say, chuckling sarcastically "No, you wouldn't--"

Suddenly, I can only feel him turning and reaching for me, leaning his head above mine and making me hold my breath. I can barely see his features in the dark, but the now heavier breathing of his hitting on my lips, makes them part at the sudden approximation. I feel his heat taking over me as he stands leaning above me so close that our noses touch each other cheecksbones.

"You dare me?" Somehow he manges to deeper and lower his voice like I never heard before. I can't tell if he's just messing with me or if he's actually serious. I close my eyes, not knowing what to do or expect, at this point.

"Stop, that's not--" I whisper helplessly, barely letting my breath out, but not sure if I really want him to.

"Why..?" He interrupts, breathing against me, covering the one inch that separated our lips, just lightly brushing his on mine for a second, making me intake even more, as if it was possible. It makes me realise he was closer then I thought, because he barely moved to accomplish that touch. I feel the need of running away but I just can't move, I'm paralyzed and stuck by him. Why is he doing this, anyway?

I feel his smirk and gaze evaluating me and my lack of reply. Eventually, he backs up leaving me to watch his dark silhouette lay back down again.

Once free, I finally breathe out taking in that moment. I don't even call it intense because it was way more than that. Or maybe it is just me not being used to something like that or, at least, expected in any way.

"Shit, Harry." I sight, landing my hands on my face in a kind of embaressed move "Did you really need to do that?"

"You made me want to."

"Did I?" I say quickly, fighting not to shout, not even knowing what I expect as an answer myself. It ends up being silence and two green eyes gazing me. I start to give in my despair and anxiety and tears begin to stupidly accumulate in my eyes and I can't hide it in my voice. It seems now I cry to everything and it's stupid.

"Are you crying?" He gets closer to me but without touching. Something in his voice show me concern and confusion. He doesn't seem to have expected that reaction of mine and it feels like he doesn't know what to do - neither did I, to be honest.

"I'm not." I lie, sparing him the work, sighing to try to hold the stupid tears the best I can and getting out of his bed. "I'm going to my bedroom."

Of course I couldn't sleep that night. Most of the times I closed my eyes I felt his breath and lips on mine as if he was right there doing that all over again. And the worst part is that I don't know what to feel about it at all. I did started it, didn't I?

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