XI - Sunrise

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I simply open my eyes without moving. The living room is dark, it seems to be night, and the TV in front of us is still playing something I don't care about. My head is gently laying on something hard but comfortable at the same time, and I feel something leaning on my head as well. It breathes deeply and it is actually Harry. I fell asleep on his shoulder and, at some point, he also leaned his head on mine, unconsciously or not, falling asleep as well.

My heart races but I have no intentions of waking him up so I try to come up with a plan of getting away while silently try to catch my breath. I just detach my head from his shoulder very slowly but his head falls from mine, making what I was trying to avoid.

"Hum?" Harry mumbles confused and takes a deep breath.

"Sorry. Go back to sleep." I whisper, telepathically trying to get him to close his eyes again.

"Uh? Why?"

I frown "I didn't want to wake you.."

"I didn't want to have fallen asleep."

I stop in time when I think of the meaning of those words. Does that mean he noticed I've fallen on his shoulder and he...? I shake my head trying to take that nonsense out of my head. Seeing he's not going back to sleep once he slowly stands up to go somewhere, I check the time. Five in the morning. "I'm going upstairs." I tell him before he nods and disappears out of my vision field.

Of course I'm not able to sleep again but I still change to my pijamas and just hang out in my bedroom. At some point I noticed Harry doing the same only maybe he's actually going to finish his sleep.

It proved me wrong when, an hour later, I received a message from him on my phone "Come here."

That's unexpected.

"Where?" I reply, fearing the answer that quickly came making my heart fall on my stomach, agitating its butterflies "To my room."

I face the message for what feels like an eternity. "What for?" If I were talking, my voice would certainly crack at those words. After minutes without a reply, I make my way to his door without knowing why and before I could stop myself. I take a deep breath while opening the door.

I thought his bedroom would be bigger and luxurious, but it is quite simple. Dark walls and a bed that occupies almost the entire space. It only doesn't seem smaller thanks to the wall-window, just like in the living room, that stands out from everything else in there, and outside a balcony.

I relax much more when I see him outside, leaning against its wall. He didn't change his clothes, keeping the pastel yellow t-shirt and black shorts. I go towards him, guessing that's what I'm supposed to do. He doesn't move when I slide the glass to step beside him.

I smile when I see the reason why he called me. In the horizon a golden light starts slowly peeking and illuminating all the city around us, the streets starting to have movement. I lean myself forward on the wall, on his left, as well and after a while he says "My inspiration for Golden was a sunrise just like this one."

Amazed by that information, I look a his profile wonderfully illuminated by the sun he's facing. The way his hair glows in waves, like a sea reflecting the sun, might be what catches my attention the most, besides his eyes having turned to a gold green. He continues "I can't tell when was the last time I watched one. The longer I stay up late, I always fall asleep before I get to see it."

He is saying that felling somewhat sentimental. I can't fight the urge of getting closer to him, so before I knew it, our arms where touching. I feel so good and warm at his touch. My heart races a bit when, suddenly, he puts the arm we were touching around my shoulders, gently pulling me closer to his body.

We stay like that until the sun is entirely showing up on the blue sky. When we return to his bedroom I finally mange to take a look at its details. The fist thing I see is a guitar. I can tell it isn't old but it is very used. And I don't notice I'm just standing there looking at it until I hear Harry's voice "You can play it, if you want."

I don't even look at him or say anything. I grab it and bring it with me and sit on his bed. Once again, I suppose it's in tune and start by surprising him a little by playing Cherry, not even close to perfection, of course. He stops whatever he was doing and stands watching me before finally laying down on the bed, on his elbow, to face me properly. I wonder what goes on in his mind as his eyes jump from my hands to my face over and over.

I suddenly stop it, though, realizing I can't play minimally well while trying to handle that type of pressure. His eyes stop on evaluating my face, but I quickly say, handing him the guitar "Sing something for me."

Instinctively, he accepts it after changing his position to sit on the middle of the bed, next to me. "Anything?" He seems to have something in mind. I shrug and he smiles a little before starting strumming Two Ghosts. For some seconds I kept my position, looking at him. Only when he starts singing I close my eyes and lay on my back.

His voice is soft and deep, but in a completely different way for the fact that he is right here and I can reach him if I want, instead of just hearing his voice through the phone or a microphone. Then I open my eyes and turn my head to him, looking for his eyes. Surprisingly enough, they were already looking for mine, too.

Some moments later our eye contact intensifies, for some reason. So I slowly sit again, not losing him out of my sight, in the middle of the bed right in front of him, our knees and feet practically touching. I don't know what he's doing, but I want to see how far he's going with this even though I have no idea of how I have such determination. Everything just seems easy and simple when it comes to him.

We get lost on each others gazes. He stoped singing in the middle of the song and is barely strumming, his lips slightly parted. I move my fingers, unintentionally reaching for his long sock and feeling its soft fabric. I think I'm barely breathing as well. I realise I lost total control of the situation and there's no way out when it seems like some supernatural force slightly pushes our heads a bit closer. His eyes then focus on my lips, making me finally snap a little bit more out of that transe.

"What are you doing?" I whisper, not risking to scare him, although I know this is all completely my fault.

"I don't know. What are you doing?" My breath discretely trembles at the way he whispers and smirkes, now looking me into my eyes again. Although, now it was my turn to appreciate the way his lips move. I let out a smirk as well and look into his eyes again, saying almost playfully "I don't know."

I let my head fall on his shoulder, laughing at what just happened and also with a bit of embarrassment. I can feel his heart beating fast. He chuckles a little too.

"I'm going to eat something." I say, after some seconds, as I get away from him and stand up. He does as well, leaving the guitar on the bed and not looking at me or saying anything.

Without wanting any kind of reply I step out of the room closing the door behind me. I stand there for moments and not long after I hear him shuffling, seeming to lay down on the bed again. That's when I hear a low soft groan mixed with a sight coming from him, muffled by a pillow. What the hell is happening?

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