IX - Sunset Strip

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"Ok, ready?" Jeff asks me and Harry, with his back turned to the main door of the airport. I take a glace outside, over his shoulder, and I think Harry does the same, beside me. It's getting dark, and the beautiful California sunset is starting to make itself noticeable. Although, not as much as the whole crowd of people divided by a way straight to a black car where we are suppose to go. They're not inside only because the airport security managed to prevent that, so they gathered outside desperate to see Harry.

But they weren't expecting him bringing company so when we step outside the sound is momentarily loud, softening as they see me and who I am. Harry doesn't spend much time giving the fans what they want but I still leave him behind just taking a few pictures. I enter the car and while I wait I look at him through the dark window. It rushes through my mind if someday I'll be there too, either with him or on my own, and even if I should.

He graciously rushes and enters the car, sitting beside me, on the back. He sighs to me playfully. I watch him, only now realising the ripped jeans he's wearing and how much I enjoy the way those fit on him. Probably every other jeans would make the same effect on me but I can't tell yet.

As soon as Jeff shuts the door after Harry, he sits on the front seat, beside the driver that I didn't realise was there. No one says a word as he takes off from the airport, seeming to know where to go, already.

"Oh, look at them." I hear Harry's voice more profound than usual, given the fact we are in a confined space such as a car. I focus my eyes on the outside of his side seeing some of the fans running along with the car, waving overexcited.

"I don't blame them." A weird silence follows my words as we leave the fans behind and quietly make our way to God knows where.


Half an hour later, the sudden stop of the car wakes me up from my thoughts, back to reality. For minutes I made sure I enjoy the view - I finally got to expirience the actual California sunset - , but at some point I got lost, somehow. Not to worry, after all I have - which I know, now - a month and almost a half to do all the tourism I want. Or at least I hope to do. I'll return home in September because of school, of course.

"Where are we?" I ask genuinely curious, although quickly realising that, whatever the answer is, I won't know where it is, anyway.

"Sunset Strip." Jeff answers me. I'm gald he does because I can't quite tell how he feels about me yet. "Your stay for the rest of the summer."

I follow his gaze to the house we stopped in front of. It is surrounded by tall bushes that prevent anyone from looking inside and a driveway seems to be the only access to, at least, the yard.

Harry and Jeff get out simultaneously going to the back of the car, to take our luggage out. I follow them after a while. Harry already has his and now watches as Jeff takes mine and leaves it free for me to hand it. I see mine is way bigger than Harry's. That must make sense because he probably has the basics already in his house while I brought almost everything I own.

I walk to place myself next to Harry but as I get there he turns to open the long gate with some code, saying "Bye, Jeffrey." Jeff doesn't hear, gets in the car again and it leaves, so Harry mumbles "Rude."

I turn from where the car was to the gate slowly opening by itself. I follow Harry that made his way through the opening that was already sufficiently wide for us to get in.

"Thought he'd be coming with us." I say turning my head to Harry, who is pushing a button to close the gate again.

"Nah, he has some work to do, I think. Besides, he has his own stay."

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