"What even happened to you?Why were you suddenly studying madly? We don't even have exams yet."

"I study to release stress."

"And what exactly are you talking about?"

His face flushed, "N-nothing! You don't need to know!"

Sunghoon sighed and nodded, "I'm going ahead.And don't you dare get out of this room unless you're feeling any better, you understand?"

He let out a soft chuckle, "Yes, Hoon."

* * * * *

Sunghoon was spacing out during class, tapping his pen on the table as he waited impatiently for the bell to ring. It was taking too long that he had to check the time every single second.Then finally, the boring class was over.He slung his bag onto his shoulder when Sunoo approached him.

"Hey Sunghoon!"

"Sunoo? Wow, you actually attended class today."

"Hey!I do attend classes!" Sunoo then leaned in to his ear, "Besides, I'm almost done saving up for the lost funds."

Sunghoon chuckled, "Okay then."

"You have somewhere to go?"

"Yeah...well I'm meeting up with Heeseung-hyung."

"Oh~ where's jungwon by the way?"

"He's sick."


Sunghoon sighed, "He's been studying all night for I don't know what reason."

"He can be pretty weird sometimes..."

"Definitely.Anyway, I'm going ahead. I don't want to make Heeseung-hyung wait."

"Aww, what a thoughtful boyfriend~ okay then, see you!"

Sunghoon nodded in return and made his way to the cafeteria where he saw Heeseung and his friends on their usual table.He sighed before walking towards them, facing Heeseung.

He smiled at Sunghoon, suddenly pulling him and making him sit on his lap with his arm around his waist to prevent him from going away.

"Hey babe~"

"Hyung, let me go."


"This is embarrassing!"

He rested his chin on Sunghoon's shoulder, leaning into his ear, "Just go with the flow, Miyen is watching."

Sunghoon gulped, looking at him and followed where his eyes were looking at.And there he saw her again, she was with the same guy and was looking at them as if she was betrayed or what.

He sighed, shutting his eyes for a moment.

'Heeseung wants jealousy.I need money.Let's do this.'

Sunghoon opened his eyes, shifting his body towards Heeseung and wrapped his hands around his neck.Sunghoon rested his forehead on Heeseung making Heeseung smirk.

"Ooh~You're doing good~" He whispered.

Sunghoon gave him a smile, "Don't you even dare think that I'm doing this because I want to.I'm just doing my job properly."

He chuckled, "Of course baby boy."

"Baby what—"

Heeseung cuts him off as he suddenly kissed Sunghoon's forehead making his eyes widened, "What did you just do?"

"I'm just being sweet to my boyfriend. Is that bad?"

Sunghoon forced a smile on his lips, "Of course not~"He then leaned in to his face and kissed his cheek.

"You're really good at this, I'm impressed."

"Man, can you flirt somewhere else?" Ni-ki suddenly complained.

Heeseung chuckled, "Don't blame us just because you're single."

Ni-ki rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

Jay looked around before facing Sunghoon, "Where's your friend?"


"Class captain? Yang Jungwon?"

"Oh, he's staying at the dorm for the day."


"He's sick."

"How did that happen?"

"Apparently he hasn't slept all night because of studying. He told me he was studying to release stress and I don't even know what he was talking  about."

Jay let out a small chuckle, "Oh.I see."

Sunghoon gave him a confused look and was about to question him when Heeseung suddenly tapped on his shoulder.

"Sunghoon, look."

He turned to him and his eyes were still on the same person but his eyes were furious. He glanced at her direction and saw how she and the guy were flirting. The guy would whisper such sweet stuffs to the girl's ear making her giggle and left soft kisses on her cheeks.

Sunghoon turned to him again, "They're literally backfiring."

"Yes, and we have to attack once more."

"You know we can't do the same thing they're doing right?You'll obviously look stupid."

He chuckled, "Of course I know that."

Sunghoon glanced to look at them again, "What do you have in mind then?"

He smirked, "There's only one thing left to do..."

Sunghoon tilted his head in confusion when Heeseung suddenly leaned in, grabbing Sunghoon's chin and crashing his lips on him then traveling his hand on the back of Sunghoon's head, pulling him closer to him.

'What the actual--'

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