Usagi then smiled and nuzzled Rei back. "You're right," she whispered gratefully. "Thank you, Rei."


On the Planet Nemesis, inside of their base, Wiseman was all by himself, using his crystal ball to see into the future, feeling very pleased with himself, as he spoke in the manner of a cultist.

"O Nothingness. O Silence. Obey me. Swear your allegiance to the all-knowing, almighty Death Phantom!" Wiseman said. "Know that the one who will rule this universe is not Dimande, who dreams an ephemeral dream, but someone like Death Phantom, who possesses absolute power!"

And as if it was responding to his words, Wiseman's crystal ball began to shine in an ominous black glow, as a vision of a ghostly skeleton head with the mark of the Black Moon Clan.

"Oh, Foolish Prince Demande, you shall do my bidding and bring on silence and chaotic emptiness!" Wiseman continued. "And then bestow this devastation upon the true conqueror of this world, the Death Phantom! Purge the universe of all the impurities, like the living, so that only emptiness prevails everywhere!"

Then Wiseman sensed something. Someone was here in the room with him, and when he realized this, he immediately turned around.

"Who's there?!" Wiseman demanded.

But all he could see was the many pillars that led to the outside of the room. Wiseman's eyes then gleamed, for he knew that someone was hiding behind them and knew who it was.


Saphir was running down the hall as fast as he could. As it turned out, he was hiding behind a pillar in the room Wiseman was in, and he had overheard everything that the evil specter had said.

"It's just as I thought!" Saphir thought to himself. "He was using my brother the whole time! Curse you, Wiseman!"

Knowing all of this, Saphir then realized what he had to do. He had to put a stop to Wiseman's plan, and there was only one way he could do that. He quickly made his way down through the halls until he came to the room where the Malefic Black Crystal Reactor was. The crystal was glowing brightly, much to Saphir's disdain.

"This unnatural surge of energy is probably Wiseman's doing, no doubt," Saphir said to himself. "I've got to put a stop to this!"

He walked to the middle of the room as a piece of the tiled floor floated up, turning into a pyramid. With a wave of his hands, Saphir made the pyramid split in two, revealing a glowing holographic card inside of it. Saphir took the card into his hand, and when he did, the Malefic Black Crystal Reactor suddenly stopped glowing and generating energy, making the room go completely dark.

"That's better," Saphir said with relief. "I can't let the reactor go out of control, so I'll let it cool down a bit."

Then came trouble. Wiseman suddenly appeared in the room, catching Saphir by surprise, and he was not happy.

"Saphir, I order you to put that back, right now," Wiseman said in a calm but cold demeanor.

"You can't tell me what to do!" Saphir spoke back. "I'm going to speak to my brother first and then decide what's best."

"Death Phantom, ruler of the entire universe, is giving you this order," Wiseman spoke, losing patience. "Defying Death Phantom will result in your death."

"You mentioned him earlier!" Saphir said, still refusing to obey. "Who is this Death Phantom?!"

"He is the supreme god who will restore glorious silence and emptiness to the universe," Wiseman proclaimed. "In time, he will eliminate every last one of you filthy creatures."

A Sailor Moon Fanfiction: The Pledge of the Sun.Where stories live. Discover now