The Transformation

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Keefe Sencen sat upon the throne, and of all things to say, he had to make a joke, just like earlier. "So... My Legacy is... King of the dwarves?" He tried to smirk but was more of a grimace.

Who wouldn't grimace, though, if they were trapped on a magical light chair about to be crowned King of underground short mole people?

But still, Lady Gisela sighed. "You really will make a joke out of anything, won't you?"

"Um... You just had King Enki shove me onto his throne and crown me—what else am I supposed to think?" Keefe argued. "Where is he, by the way? I feel like he owes me a bow—and an 'As you wish, King Keefe!'

"The king left," Lady Gisela said, gesturing towards a hole in the ground that was slowly filling up with dirt. "Said something about not wanting to witness the further desecration of a royal relic and dived into the floor—and I suppose I can't blame him. It is a lovely throne. But I need the magsidian. And the ethertine in your crown. I had that made especially for you, by the way. Just for this. And it wasn't easy. It was even harder convincing King Enki to wear it as his own to keep anyone from getting too suspicious. But it was worth it—everything came together, despite the few hiccups we had along the way."

"Am I supposed to say thank you?" Keefe asked.

"Yes, Keefe, you should," Gisela said. "And someday, you will. For now, you're welcome to keep hating me."

Faye almost laughed at that. She didn't know everything Lady Gisela had done to her son, but she knew he hated her—based on the conversations that took place earlier. Tam shot her a look.

"Didn't realize I needed your permission for that, but okay. Great!" Keefe tried to smile, but the magsidian must have been keeping his face still, too.

Lady Gisela sighed again. "I resigned myself to the role of the 'bad guy' long ago, Keefe. It's unfair. And inaccurate. But if that's how you need to see me process what's about to happen—so be it.

"Uh, it's not about what I need. Like... are you seeing this situation? You attacked all my friends. Left them all unconscious over there—"

"Not all of them," Gisela corrected, gesturing towards Sophie. "Sophie's still awake—for now. In case we need her.

That seemed to spark Sophie's attention, for she spoke up. "Need me for what?"

"To ensure my son cooperates."

Faye's suspicions were confirmed: Keefe really did care for Sophie.

Lady Gisela resumed, "Now that we understand each other, we should get started. The deal I made with King Enki only buys me so much of his patience."

"What'd you have to give him?" Keefe asked.

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with."

Keefe struggled to make a pouty face. "Aw, come on—I'm curious! Like, what's the going price for ultimate betrayal these days? And was the 'ruining your son's life' part of the fee—or was that just a fun bonus?"

Faye could see how Gisela picked it apart bit by bit, slowly taking it in. Eventually, she stalked closer to Keefe, fists clenched. "For the last time, I'm not destroying anything. I'm allowing you to become something vital. And I need you to accept that, because the harder you fight what's about to happen, the more you'll suffer."

Keefe clearly didn't get the hint not to joke, and if he did, he didn't care. "That's riiiiight. I'm supposed to—how did you put it? 'Embrace the change'? Yeeeeeaaaaah. Hate to break it to you, but... I'm not feeling very embrace-y. Thanks for playing, though!"

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