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I've suddenly gotten a lot of motivation to write, so this story is going to be over soon. There's about four or five chapters left, and those will be uploaded pretty quickly because I'm writing this on another platform.

Two days ago.

Five twenty-four in the morning.

Faye figured out what this "plan" her mother had was.

It was for Keefe.

And his "legacy".

It was supposed to take place at Loamnore, the dwarven capital. Keefe was to take part in a "transformation", one that would give him the powers that Faye was cursed with as a child. The ones that Gethen had removed from her.

She wanted to tell herself that this wasn't the time that she would rebel, but she couldn't. She had to stop the Neverseen one way or another.

All those years she spent in the dark, thinking that they were doing good deeds to save the elven world: Lies.

They had lost the ogres' trust for a reason.

Faye realized that she had only been given little bits of information to plans, or left out on them completely. Those clues and hints to what her mother was really doing, she disregarded. She thought she knew Lady Gisela, but oh, how wrong Faye realized she was.

Faye had tried to talk to Tam Song several times, but had no luck.

She wouldn't give up, though. She needed him to trust her. Needed information and help to escape this terrible place.

Especially when Lady Gisela was brought back to the Neverseen hideout unconscious.

That's why Faye decided to get answers the day after she found out about Keefe's "transformation".

She pulled her hood up before entering Tam's room, slamming the door behind her. She leaned against it, keeping a firm grip on the door handle; Lady Gisela could not know about what Faye had planned.

"What happened?" She asked, almost yelling. "Where did you go? Why is Lady Gisela unconscious?" And what did you have to do with it? She wanted to say, but refrained. He had to trust her, and blaming him for something wouldn't have been a great way to start it off.

Tam was curled up on his bed, staring at the wall. Once he heard her, though, he curled up even tighter, fear slowly seeping into his face.

Faye walked over to him, slowly, and a piece of her black hair fell across her face. Good thing she kept dying it black.

Tam didn't say anything, so Faye repeated what she had said. "What happened? You can tell me." Please, please tell me.


"You can trust me," She tried, hoping it was true. Still nothing. "I'm your friend."

Tam laughed, but it wasn't the laugh Faye had imagined. It was cold and hollow. "You're not my friend." he growled.

Faye's face softened as she realized what Tam was thinking. It's her fault that he's here. It's her fault that something's going to happen to Keefe. It's her fault that everything was crumbling. "I could be." She said quietly and slowly, as if trying to calm an upset animal. "I keep trying."

"WHY?" Tam practically yelled.

Faye shrugged, a tear begging to drip down her face. She knew that he wouldn't trust her at the beginning, but why was he still resisting? "It gets lonely here," she admitted. Especially after Umber was smashed by a giant freaking door and Trix never left his room.

"THEN GET OUT OF HERE!" Tam yelled. "Seriously, Glimmer. See these people for who they really are."

Faye did. And she wanted to get out. But she couldn't without his help.

"I do!" Faye insisted, hoping she did.

"Then at least..." Tam started. "Just get out of my room."

Faye tucked away the few strands of hair that had fallen and left, taking the stupid cat statue with her for no reason.

She walked straight next door, into her room. As soon as the door was closed, she laid down and stared at her ceiling, wishing for everything to happen and get over with, but at the same time hoping that nothing would happen.

There wouldn't be whatever "Thing" her mother had planned.

She wouldn't have to try so hard to escape.

She'd be free.

Found but Lost (A KotLC Glimmer Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now