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"She's been like it for the last several weeks." Trix told Sophie. "She painted her nails black. Sometimes when I talk to her, I see black gooey stuff slip off her nails."

Faye knew Umber was all... Emo-ey after.... Gisela tried to kill Faye, but... What was she learning with shadows? "Huh. I wonder what she could be doing."

Gisela came up behind Faye. "Go get Umber. We need to talk." She told Faye.

Faye nodded, waved goodbye to Trix, and made her way to Umber's room. She remembered not to mention anything about what happened when Gisela tried to kill Faye to Umber or Gisela would punish Faye with death. When she knocked on Umber's door, he heard an irritated groan. "What Gisela?"

"It's Faye." 

"Oh, sorry. Come in." 

Faye opened the door. Her once dark-purple walls were painted black. The flowers weaved into the blanket on her bed were now black instead of navy-blue. Umber was sitting on the floor, reading a book. Above her hand, gooey shadow-y flowers were slowly spinning.

Umber looked over at Faye. The flowers disappeared into her nails. "What's up?"

"Gisela wants us." Faye said. She was trying to avoid saying too much about anything in case she accidentally triggers a memory of the incident. Umber nodded and shoved the book under her pillow, that was now black.

"We need to send you on a mission." Gisela said. "Luzia Vacker needs you two to create... something." Faye nodded. She knew not to talk back to anyone with more power than her. Umber looked hesistant to nod.

"What is that something?"

"An illusion." Gisela responded. Umber still looked hesitant but nodded anyway. "Luzia won't be showing herself to you, though. You'll just have to knock on the gate. She'll let you in. Then turn right and go through the stone pathway until you see a pond, and then..." She kept giving instructions on where Faye and Umber have to go. "There should be a note telling you what to do, Faye. And Umber, you already know what to do." Umber nodded. (A/N: Sorry I'm skipping  this part. I don't own Flashback yet (I've read it though), so I can't really fact-check stuff.)

"How'd your 'mission' go?" Trix asked. 

"Good." Faye said.

"Was Umber actually herself?"

Faye nodded. "She was nervous about using something called 'shadowflux' to refresh an illusion thing on a pond. The note I got said that it's been centuries and there were holes visible in the illusion, so she needed Vespera to find somebody who could fix it."


A/N: Sorry that as a really short chapter... I didn't really know what to write... so it's more of just a filler...

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