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"Alvar and Brant have Sophie Foster." Gisela said as her and Faye walked down several twists and turns. Faye has never been this way.

"Sophie... Foster?" Faye asked. "She's the super powerful one, right? The one who was in the Forbidden Cities?" Gisela nodded. Faye looked around. "Where are we going?"

Gisela smiled. "If I tell you, you won't remember it. We need you to forget all about Lodestars and Legacies. And no. Before you ask, you won't forget Keefe."

They reached a door and Gisela opened it. Gisela motioned for Faye to sit in the overstuffed, faded green armchair. The blond telepath with piercing blue eyes came in. Gethen. Gisela started whispering to him, saying something about Vackers and Annalise.

"Annalise?" Faye asked. 

"Just someone else who's with the Neverseen." Gethen said. (A/N: I almost put No Reason to Worry. 😂) He sat down in the armchair across from Faye. "You ready?" Faye glared at Gisela as she nodded.

Gethen placed his fingers on her temples as something surged into her mind. I'm going to have to work fast or Sophie might escape. The words came out of nowhere. Gethen must have been transmitting them into her mind.

Five hundred and seventy four seconds passed before Gethen's arms fell down to his sides. Gisela appeared shocked. "Well?"

"Well." Gethen said. "I can't erase anything."

Gisela's face turned white. "I- I have to go, Faye. Gethen, we need to make sure Keefe can still have his memories erased."

Faye stood up from her chair as soon as Gisela and Gethen left. Skill practice was coming up in ten minutes. She left the room and tried finding her way back to the area she was used to. 

Twenty minutes passed before Faye found the breath-holding area. After the incident a couple years ago, Faye was always too scared to try holding her breath for more than a few seconds, but Alvar told her that she might need to sometime. (This is before Flashback. Alvar is just being cautious. He doesn't know what happens in the later books.) 

"Hey, Glimmer." Trix was sitting at one of the stone tables on the side of the room, drinking Lushberry Juice. Faye sat down across from him.

"Is Umber okay?" Faye asked.

Trix nodded. "She should be here soon."

As if on queue (A/N: I think I'm spelling that right... My laptop sometimes is stupid and doesn't do autocorrect... correctly.), Umber came in. Her black hair falling over her face as she pulled down her hood. She sat down next to Trix. "How are you?"

"I'm good." Trix said.

"I... Something happened." Faye said, clamping a hand over her mouth. She shouldn't talk about it to Umber! Her memories were erased!

"What?" Umber asked.

"N-Nothing." Faye lied. "I... I forgot."

Umber didn't seem convinced. Trix realized why she wasn't saying anything and gave her a look that said Tell me later. Faye nodded. "Are... You guys ready?" Umber asked.

Trix and Faye nodded.

Umber and Trix dunked their heads underwater first, having Faye count. Fifty-four seconds. Seventy-seven...  Trix pulled his head up at one hundred seventy-two. Umber stayed where she was. Her long black hair floated around the tub. Two hundred ninety-four seconds and Umber was still under.

"How the heck does she do that?" Trix asked after forty more seconds. "And how did you last longer than her?" Faye shrugged.

Two hundred sixty-five seconds passed before Umber pulled her head up, gasping for air. Faye told her how long she was under the water. "Oh. I should really start practicing more if I can't break ten minutes." Umber said.

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