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A/N: Sorry I haven't really posted this week!

"Faye. You need to leave this hideout ASAP." Umber opened the door to Faye's room. Fate was painting a picture of a flower falling into water.

"W- why?" Faye asked.

"Umm... That... I don't know." Umber sighed. "But I'm coming with you. Trix is staying here. I already packed my bag." She held up a box full of clothes and knicknacks. "But you need to pack yours. We'll be there permanently."

Faye has lived at this hideout most of her life with Umber and Trix. Why couldn't Trix come? Why did she have to leave?

Faye walked over to her small dresser and started shoving her favorite clothes into the box Umber handed her. She grabbed Flower the Unicorn. Her paints. Her easel was folded up and shoved into the box. Canvases. The pillow Gisela gave her when Faye swore fealty. Little toys and rocks that she'd collected over the years.

Faye was how old now? Fourteen? She'll have to ask Gisela how old Keefe is. She lived at this place for nine years of her life. To leave it behind- she couldn't imagine how hard it was for Sophie Foster. At least Faye wasn't leaving a whole world, but just moving houses. She wondered how much humans moved to a different house. Hundreds? Thousands? (A/N: probably the most I've gone without dialogue 🤦‍♀️)

"You good?" Umber asked. Faye opened here eyes, realizing she was sitting on her bed, tears starting to drop down her face.

Faye nodded."Yeah. It's just... I know I shouldn't be crying. you've lived here longer, so it must be harder for you."

Umber shook her head. "This was your home. And yeah, it was also as much of a home that I've ever had, but I bet the other hideout will be just as good. Something nice to come home to after missions and almost dying."

"Welcome to the Slowhorn Hideout." Gisela told Umber and Faye. Faye looked around, trying to see what was so unique about this place. Stone walls and floor, dim balefire sconces, and possibly a bit o mold.

"We didn't use a Lodestar symbol to get here." Umber said.

"Yes. This is an old hideout we rarely use. It destroyed by the Black Swan centuries ago, but it was long forgotten by them, and we reclaimed it." Gisela said.

"Lady Gisela." An old man said, walking into the room on a cane. He must have been human. Faye's never seen wrinkles and thin hair on an elf before.

"Ahh. Svendal. Long time no see." Gisela's smiled.

"My time is almost up." Svendal croaked. "I am already One Hundred and Twelve."

"Already?" Umber asked. "You were only fifty when I saw you."

"You. You're... What's your name?" Svendal paused for a second. "Anil- Oh yes. Don't say your name." He rolled his eyes. "Umber. That's it. And you." He pointed at Faye. "You're Glimmer, yes?"

Faye nodded. Gisela whispered to Faye "show him your ability." Faye held her hand out in the hair and white dots floated out of her hand and circled Svendal.

His mouth opened in awe. "You... You have great potential. Strong flasher indeed. Though, your power may become out of control. Keefe's... Nevermind about Keefe. But you may become possessed by your power, in a way. Before time is up, you need to control and harness that power."

"Oh, and yes, Umber" Svendal continued. "I was fifty, but I age faster, but live longer than other humans. Remember?" Umber nodded.

Gisela rolled her eyes. "Come on, Faye and Umber. Don't mind Svendal. He's old. He... Sometimes gets confused." She glared at the old man. "Let me show you to the real living area."

It was nice. Carpeted flooring, Jade and Sapphire walls. But it didn't feel like home to Faye. Her room was on the second floor. The walls of the room were pink, of all colors. The bed was a pretty mix of purple and blue. Umber's room was black. And gray. And dark and emo-ey. It was right next to Faye's, which was nice because in the other hideout, Umber's room was on the other side of the building.

The room on the other side of Faye's was empty. Across the hall, there were four doors that definitely had people living in them. Laughter was constant, and then Gisela mumbled something about Technopaths and Vanishers.

There were more rooms and hallways, leading to different skill areas and cafeterias and bedrooms.

After the extensive tour Gisela gave them, Faye settled down in her room and began to unpack. There were already some clothes and robes in her dresser, but she still put in the ones she packed. She set up her easel in a corner. The little toys and rocks went on top of her bookshelf. Flower the Unicorn went on her bed.

A knock sounded on the door and Umber came in. "I see you've already made yourself at home."

Faye nodded. "I'm trying to get settled assoon as possible."

"Oh. Okay." Umber sighed. "How are you doing?"

"Good. It's gonna be hard- is hard, and I know that. It's just... Before I went to love with other Neverseen members, I lived in a closet. Not because my mom didn't care, but because she didn't know what to do with me. And then the ability.... Kee- It was a problem, thankfully Gethen could remove it, though. Or I could be a threat to the Neverseen and then the might kill me and then-"

"Okay. Okay, I get it." Umber laughed. "It's hard for me too. I was born and raisedthe first three years of my life at a different hideout, but then the next decade-and-a-half I lived at the one you were at. The only reason I moved was so you wouldn't be alone... And... They didn't want me to come. They thought it would be good for you to grow up with other people, but, I'm glad I made them let me come."

"Your like the big sister I've never had." Faye said and laid down on her bed.

Umber smiled. "I try my best."

A/N: sorry that chapter didn't come out for a little while. I was busy. I was also making videos for my YouTube channel... That's a lie. I was just being lazy.

Probably my favorite chapter so far... Do you know why Faye has to go to the other hideout?

Umber's finally starting to give me older sister vibes, which I like, because Faye doesn't really have anyone who cares about her. And Lady Gisela is just... Lady Gisela.

Why are my author notes so long?

Found but Lost (A KotLC Glimmer Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang