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"She's been found." Alvar came up behind Gisela.

She smiled. "Excellent. Do you know her name?"

"Sophie Foster. She's at my household right now."

"Amazing!" Gisela said. "Please, continue to use your ability as a Vanisher to gather more information on where she will live, because she cannot be allowed to grow to her full potential." 

Alvar nodded.

Umber didn't show up to training. Trix was upset and not as talkative as he usually is. Gisela seemed... Overjoyed.

Trix mumbled something about Spark before trying to blink in and out of view. He failed and only his hand disappeared for a split-second.

Faye didn't know what was happening. Something happened with Spark? Why was Gisela happy? Did she do something to Spark?

She attempted blinking in and out. Her whole body went invisible for almost two seconds. She suddenly felt dizzy almost fell over. 

Trix saw Faye almost fall and sighed. "If... I'm sorry." He couldn't just sit there anymore and watch. "Umber's not here because... Spark is... Was Umber's brother. But..." Trix looked away, not able to continue.

"Oh." Was all Faye could say. Oh. A two letter word that couldn't possibly carry enough feeling to show Trix what Faye was feeling. She never met Spark, but she knew that he was very close to Trix and even closer to Umber. She didn't know... She didn't know that he was her brother. "I... I'm so sorry." Faye filled the awkward silence.

"It's fine. I shouldn't act like this." Trix answered. "Go- I mean Spark was just another lost piece in Gisela's game." He clenched his fist. "A piece that I wish could be found."

Faye ran up to Gisela. She sat down in the large navy-blue armchair across from where Gisela was sitting. "Why'd you kill Spark?" The question had been nagging at Faye the past two days.

"What?" Gisela seemed shocked. Either because she didn't know he died or didn't know Faye knew. Faye didn't answer. Gisela rolled her eyes. "For a thirteen-year-old, you really have power in your voice." She paused, thinking about how that could help and hurt her. Faye still didn't answer. She just stared. And stared. "Ugh. Fine. Yes. I killed him." Gisela stopped there to see if Faye would take that.

"Why?" Faye asked.

"He was seventeen." Gisela thought that would work, but Faye was still staring, waiting for answers. "Many more deaths of younger than that will come soon... Wait. You can't force information out of me like that." Gisela started to get up and leave, but Glimmer forced the light out of her fingertips and blocked the doorway.

Gisela turned around. "Excuse me? My own daughter is locking me in a room with her?" Gisela looked threatening to Faye, but she held strong. 

"Why did you kill Spark?" Faye tried to look intimidating, but Gisela just laughed.

"I'm not going to tell my secrets to a teenager." She pulled out a knife. Faye stood up and backed away. She held up her hands defensively. Gisela smiled and walked closer. "You want to try me? I have no regrets... Well... Except for keeping you alive."

Faye was offended, but she tried not to show it. She couldn't let her mother defeat her.

Gisela cornered Faye. Faye didn't know what to do.  Was Gisela going to kill her? Her hood has been on. Her hood is on now. What did she do to get this?

Gisela's smile was daunting. She held the knife up and played with it. "What? You think I'll have a problem killing my daughter?"

Faye's strong face fell and terror showed through. "I did. But now, not so much."

The knife in Gisela's hand drew closer to Faye's arm. "Did you know that if I cut straight down the middle of your arm, you'll bleed out and nobody will know it was me?" Faye nodded. the knife came closer. Gisela changed her course and went for Faye's face.

"W-why do you want t-to do this to m-me?" Faye asked.

"You'll never know." Gisela responded. She moved the knife closer to Faye's cheek. The knife pressed onto her skin, almost hard enough to draw blood. Faye didn't resist, knowing that if she wanted to make it out alive she would have to hold still. Gisela pushed the knife deeper into Faye's skin. There was no remorse on her mother's face.

Blood trickled down Faye's cheek.

The door opened and shadows pulsed through the room and pulled Gisela back. Umber frowned. "You don't look like you're having much fun, Faye." Faye shook her head and ran over to Umber. "I heard the whole thing. I just didn't know she was trying to kill you." She looked down at Gisela, anger twisting Umber's face.

"I... I'm sorry." Faye said.

"Why? You didn't do anything wrong, unlike someone." Umber kneeled down by Gisela and created bonds made of dark shadow-y ropes. "You don't wanna do anything after my brother gets killed by the Council? You wanna make my life miserable? Go ahead. But you wanna hurt your... I'm guessing by this conversation, daughter, or Faye or Glimmer or whatever you want to call her... Good luck. What did she do to you? ask you why you're a murderer? I ask that same question. I'm not against murdering the bad guys, but people in the same group as you? Let alone your daughter. You are some messed up lady."

Umber turned and saw the cut, still dripping blood, on Faye's cheek. She left the room with Faye, leaving Gisela tied up with the shadow rope.

Umber led Faye to the bathrooms. Faye let her pull down the hood and Umber wiped the blood off of Faye's face. "I'm so sorry she did that to you." Umber said.

"I'm sorry about your brother." 

"It's not your fault. Or her fault for that matter, but... He was the only family I knew. Yeah, there's Trix... But he's not really family. We're just.... Really, really close friends... For now. Okay, maybe he is like my... no... He's not really like my brother...."

"I get it."

Faye pulled her hood back over her head. She re-dyed her hair black last week so the roots were barely starting to show some blonde.

They walked back to her room and Faye opened the door. "Thanks for saving my life." 

Umber smiled. "I won't tell anyone about Gisela being your mom." 


Umber exited the room and closed the door. 

Her brother was dead. And what could she do about it? 

Once Umber got back to her room, she closed the curtains on her window and grabbed a book from her bookshelf. The last thing her mother gave her before she died. Shadowflux: Learning to Control. She said she would never use it because she didn't want to fall out of control like her mother, but she was desperate.

She needed to get back at the Council. The stupid, cruel, insane Council.

She opened to the first page and began reading.

A/N: Wow. If that was confusing, then here's a summary:

Sophie is found. Spark was murdered by Gisela. Spark is Umber's brother. Umber doesn't know Gisela killed Spark and instead thought the Council did. Umber is learning Shadowflux.


Well, thank you all for reading!

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