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Faye wasn't surprised because of the name, but more because Umber hadn't told her it before. She couldn't recognize the name from anywhere, but she knew the name must have meant something to Umber.

Trix rolled his eyes. "I swear, if you make me say my name-" Umber frowned at him. "I mean- we've had enough secrets revealed for one day... Right?" He laughed nervously.

"I'm done with this!" Umber suddenly exclaimed, getting up from her seat on Faye's bed. "Trix's name is-"

A crashing sound.

The roof caved in.

Faye screamed, trying to move through the sudden wreckage towards the door. She looked back. Trix was trying to blow the pieces of rubble away. Umber was nowhere to be seen, but shadows were seeping out of the rocks that were laying on the ground. Faye didn't know what that meant.

"Run, Glimmer!" Trix yelled. He seemed to be struggling.

Faye turned around and started sprinting away, but when she turned around, Trix wasn't there.


Faye started running to what was left of her room. It wasn't really destroyed, there was just no roof and her easel was collapsed - and broken - on the floor.

She couldn't see anyone. No Trix. No Umber.


Where were they? What happened? Who did this?

Faye screamed as somebody fell right in front of her. They quickly got up, smiled at Faye, and ran off. Annalise. Faye could tell it was her because she was really short and had long brown hair. 

Faye and Annalise got along. Most of the time. They sometimes got into arguments during skills practice, especially when they had to go out by the sanctuary. Faye wanted to go back, but Annalise made her stay. 

Faye shook her head and started running towards where her room was. She was pulling away rubble and broken canvases until she found black hair. After removing another broken canvas, she saw that the hair led to honey-colored skin. 


Faye pulled Umber out from under everything. Umber was breathing raspy breaths, but her pulse was steady. Thankfully.

Faye stood up and looked around for Trix. 

Still, nowhere to be seen.

"Trix?" Faye screamed at the top of her lungs. "Please!" 

Still, nothing.

Umber seemed to have heard Faye, and shifted, muttering a few words.

Faye knelt down. "What?"

Umber muttered a couple more words before coughing. "Where?" "Sorry..." "Trix...?"

"I- I don't know what you're saying." Faye said. Her brain rushed to put the words together in any possible way. "Where's Trix?" Umber nodded and opened her eyes. She glanced around frantically before closing them again. "I don't know." Umber shook her head.

Where was he?

A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been working on Lights (my other story) a lot and kinda forgot about this one....

Also, sorry this is kinda a filler!

Thanks for reading!!

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