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A/N: So if you're reading these chapters up to date, I kinda sorta forgot to put Umber's death in here, so this one is a little late, but it's here now..

This takes place right before the next chapter, so there shouldn't be too much confusion - I just uploaded this one afterwards.

Apart from that, thanks for reading!

Trix wasn't there for breakfast.

He wasn't there for training, either.

He had told her two words the previous night once he got back from his mission: "She's gone."

Faye knew exactly who that "she" was.

Why "she" didn't come back with the others.

Why Trix was isolating himself.

It was Umber.


She was gone.

One of Faye's only friends, and her only other friend was hiding in his room because she was gone.

Lady Gisela had filled Faye in: A shade in the Black Swan had "Destroyed" Ruy's flasher powers - Faye was his backup - and then Umber was...

Umber was...

Faye couldn't bring herself to even think about what had happened.

Umber was smashed by a giant door.

And they just left her.

No. It wasn't the Council - although they are part of the reason - or the Black Swan who had let her die with no respect. It was the Neverseen.

Faye went straight from training to her room, and stared at the now empty one next to it. There was an empty room on either side of her's.

There was an empty whole in her heart.

She missed Umber, but she couldn't show it.

Couldn't even let them think she was mourning internally.

She curled up on her bed, leaning against the wall and staring into space.


There was no space for Umber when she was smashed.

Why should there be space for anyone?

How could Faye forgive the organization that killed her best friend.

And her best friend's brother?

Spark had died about five years ago, and it was why Umber turned to Shadowflux - to get revenge.

So that's what Faye would do.

She'd find a way to get revenge, and she knew just how to get there.

Also sorry about my really bad upload schedule....

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