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"YOU PROMISED!" Sophie Foster shouted as the ugly ogre screamed something unintelligible.

"I know," Keefe said. "I'm sorry."

Faye lost track of where the conversation went from there. All she could do was think about Keefe. All the images in her mind of what she thought he had looked like... She never planned to actually see him. To actually meet her twin brother. Does he know about her? Probably not.

Her vision became blurry in every place but where Keefe was.

Keefe Sencen.

Her twin brother.

She saw his ice blue eyes reflecting hers.

His blond hair matched the roots of hers.

The same facial structure.


"There's nothing crazy about this!" Gisela yelled. "Though those who lead the charge are often seen as such. But I'll endure the scorn, and the risk, and the sacrifice, and the work, because I'm building something lasting. I'm building a—"

"If you say 'legacy' right now," the ogre interrupted, "I'm seriously going to hurl - and it won't smell good, so others will follow, and it'll be a great barf-fest." Faye gagged. " And usually I'm all for that! But... you've got a knife pressed to my sweet little gnome-y friend's neck, so I'd rather we all stay focused, okay? At least until the army of angry dwarves gets here." She whispered something to one of the people next to her.

"Shouldn't be too much longer!" Keefe added, and Faye almost became transfixed on the same ice-blue eyes that she has.

Why shouldn't it be too much longer? Were there dwarves coming?

Faye lessened her grip on the gnome a little more, hoping the gnome gets the hint that she doesn't want to kill it.

"Here we are," Gisela said, "me in complete control and—"

Keefe interrupted her. "I wouldn't exactly call this complete control, since, you know, the second you tell Tammy Boy to lower that force field, you're going to have to face the wrath of Foster's inflicting - which, bad news for you, is even more powerful when I'm here. Why do you think I decided to stop by?"

"That's why?" Sophie asked, annoyance clear on her face. "Seriously?"

Thankfully, though, Lady Gisela intervened. "Much as I'd love to watch my son try to dig his way out of that, that's not why he's here - nor is it because of any threat you think I made in the note I left him. Or whatever mind games you think I've played. The simple truth is, my son is here because deep down he wants to fulfill his legacy. He wants to become everything he was made for."

Faye couldn't believe it. Keefe was working for the Black Swan, and he "wants" to be in the Neverseen, while Faye was the other way around - she was in the Neverseen but wanted to be... anywhere but.

"Wow. You know me so well," Keefe deadpanned. "Please, tell me more about my hopes and dreams."

What were his hopes and dreams? Faye saw the way he looked at Sophie when he first arrived - a look of care and trust and... something else... Too bad he had to break that trust by coming here.

"Go ahead," Gisela told him. "Hide behind your sarcasm and your attitude. I see the truth in you, Keefe. I always have. You're an artist. A visionary. And you know the future I've created for you is your chance to be on the right side of history."

Faye could see Tam looking at her in shock - like she knew what was happening. But she didn't. She had no clue.

She kept her focus on Keefe, who began speaking in his voice that was, though ridiculous, so familiar, as if she grew up hearing it but never listened to it. "A visionary. Sure - that's exactly why I'm here."

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