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I should have been more careful. I should have known. I couldn't count on his mental stability, and he couldn't count on was my fault. I came too late. He had been fighting nonstop, and I KNEW his body and mind were wavering. I knew...yet I still relied on it.

The second Akainu's fist ran through Ace's torso, I caught it. I was almost too late, but I caught it! I could feel the heat that radiated from his body made of magma, even a few feet away in the realm. I sent a silent apology to Ace, who had to feel it up close. I was so relieved, and so proud, so when Ace coughed up blood, my eyes widened in surprise.

Then I realized why. Luffy had snapped. Upon seeing Akainu's magma fist in front of his face, going through Ace's body, he snapped. Without me even realizing it, the portal was closing.

This is my fault...I was going to be pushed out soon, the last of Luffy's energy was fading. But I couldn't find it in me to care. I couldn't hear his last words as he whispered them in Luffy's ear. Then, he fell.

I screamed. A sound so shrill and heartbreaking that it hurt my own ears. It echoed through the realm and seemed to shake the very earth that I had stood on. A scream that mirrored that of my Captain as he threw his head back and showed his broken heart to the heavens.

I can't breathe...the stillness of the realm, it seemed to slow time. The world darkened around me as I tried to keep up. People were fighting...they were yelling...the ringing in my ears drowned everything out. I collapsed to the ground.

Luffy needed me...I was too late! Too fuckin late...I forced air into my lungs, but it was let out in huffs as my chest constricted. "Ace...Ace..." I choked out. My words were heard by no one.



I could see it! Finally...I'm here! I looked over the battlefield and my eyes immediately found them. I shouted in glee when I realized Ace and Luffy were fighting, side by side. He did it! He saved him!

I made my way to them, hidden in the realm. Luffy gave no indication that he detected me, making me worry. He should be able to sense me here. But his emotions were chaotic, and his eyes only focused on the enemy before him. His energy dropped once more.

I opened a portal near his ear, "I'm here!"

A grin spread across Luffy's face, and his energy stabilized. "All right!"

"I won't let him die, Luffy. I promise!"


I promised him...I broke a promise to Luffy. Ace...Ace... "ACE!!!!" I screamed, begging to be heard. Begging for a miracle. A white light pulsed in front of me, disturbing the darkness of the realm. It faded, but didn't dissappear. I scrambled backwards in shock when I saw it.

This is make me watch him die...and now to make me watch his soul separate from his body? I couldn't look away. My lips trembled, and without me willing it, the words tumbled out.

"Ace!!!" I screamed. The soul had no features that I could see, but I knew it was him. The apparition paused, but not for long. "Don't leave..." I whispered, barely hearing it myself. I took a deep breath, "Ace...don't leave me!!!" I screamed.

I don't know what's going on. I didn't understand any of it at all. The nature of what I am, and could possibly do, still has many unknowns. The next time I focused my eyes, the next time I consciously took a breath, I realized that my teeth were sunk into this form of pure energy.

I wanted to throw up. I wanted to choke it out, but once it started, I couldn't stop it. I could only watch as Ace's soul were sucked into my body. I wretched as I fell back onto my knees. I could feel him swirling around in my body, like a thread of gold weaving through my veins.

Strength (One Piece fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora