Ch 11

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I helped Nami dock the boat, before she said goodbye.

"I hope to sail again with you one day!" She said, waving goodbye. I waved from the boat.

You'll be sailing with us sooner than you think, but I couldn't tell her that.

My role here was to protect her, so I decided to do that from the Demon Realm.

I stepped in to follow her, the dark purple hue surrounding me. As long as I'm receiving energy, I can step in or use it in combat. Once in the Realm, I can travel at speeds unknown to humans as long as I have enough energy. The Demon Realm exists in the natural world, so using my speed to move in the realm, would also allow me to move across great distances in the natural world.

Luffy's energy at it greatest could get me across a pretty large area, but it uses a lot of energy. Unlike my personal realm, I need to have energy in order to stay in this one. If I use all of it, I automatically leave the realm wherever I may be. Bringing other objects or people also takes a giant chunk of my power.

Passing through objects is possible, but certain things require a certain amount of energy. If it's something I could do in the natural world, it doesn't need much, like swimming or flying. But passing through solid objects or even people takes more energy than it's usually worth.

Following Nami doesn't use up any energy. I could probably stay in here while I wait for the boys. I just have to trust that Luffy won't falter.

I watched as she walked right up to a pirates den. She saved a little boy who was dangerously close to making the bad decision of getting his revenge. To my surprise, she threw a stack of money at him before telling him to take it and leave.

She walked in greeting the fishmen like they were friends. These must be the ones holding her hostage, I thought. I could feel her anger towards them.

We stayed in the building for awhile, she was doing something with a bunch of papers. I noticed old blood soaked into the desk.

I just explored the area, making sure to stick close by incase she needed me. I didn't steal anything yet since I didn't fully understand the situation.

There was a commotion outside by the water way, so we both walked outside. Zoro was tied up, and bandages were wrapped around his chest. Where were the rest of them?

Nami explained to Arlong that he was one of the pirates she betrayed, and that he was stupid to come back to get her. Zoro was angry, and confused. But he's very perceptive, he knows that she hated it here.

He threw himself into the water, putting her loyalty to the test. I took off my coat and dove in too, still in the Demon Realm.

I used my wings to propel myself, much like I would in flight. I'll save him if she doesn't.

As he sunk, I noticed his pain. The salt water probably stinging his wound. I decided to step out of the realm, making sure no fishmen were around first.

His eyes widened as he saw me, I put my fingers up to my lips to shush him. I smiled and felt the rush of power he supplied me with. I danced around him for awhile, heading back into my realm as I heard Nami dive in.

We left the water and I put my coat back on. They were both breathing hard. Nami was angry, now they all know the swordsman was important to her. Still keeping her act, she told Arlong to lock him up for now.

One of Arlongs crew members ran in and said a long-nosed friend of Zoro's was in the village. I felt Zoro's irritation at our newest crew member for getting caught.

Arlong and a few of his members decided to go into the village to apprehend him, saying he had other business there as well.

Zoro was taken to a cell. Nami was still in the building, so I took the time to see him. I stepped out.

Strength (One Piece fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora