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"The Franky family isn't mentioned at all in the newspaper?" Sanji asked. We were sitting at the table eating breakfast. "Is it possible that your grandpa tweaked the info?"

"Not possible," I said.

"Yeah, he doesn't pay attention to details like that," Luffy added.

"I mean, it's good. It'd be bad if they had to spend their lives on the run," Sanji said.

"They did say a lot of stuff about us though," Zoro said. He read from the paper, "it says we declared war against the government, and that we're the reason Enies Lobby burned down." He smirked, "I guess that means our bounties will rise again."

I'd rather not get one, not yet atleast. But I doubt I can prevent it any longer.

"Oh yeah, did Franky say when he'd be done with the ship?" I asked.

"No, but he wants it to be a surprise so don't go running off to spoil it," Nami answered. I sighed, I really wanted to see it! "Why don't we go shopping? I heard your favorite shipwright is helping with the damages downtown," she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Oh be quiet, Nami!" I scolded her. "I already told you I gave up on that one!"

"Wait!!!" Luffy shouted, "Franky is building us a ship?!"

"Oh yeah, you were asleep," Sanji said.

"Yahoo!" He cheered, "so he was a good guy after all!"

"We really should go shopping in the meantime," Nami said as she walked over to the safe. She opened it to see a small stack of bills. "Huh? What happened to the 100 million beri?!"

"Oh that? We gave it to them to buy meat and booze for the feast," Luffy explained.

"Huh?! It was our money!"

"It was our feast," he argued.

"There's only a tiny bit left!" She fell onto her knees.

"Well yeah, a lot of people came to the feast!" He laughed.

Nami got up with her fist shaking. I didn't stop her as she beat up the easygoing Captain.

"I was gonna buy gorgeous furniture and stuff for the ship," she cried. Robin and I comforted her.

"Well, I'm gonna go out and have some fun! Nami, give me money!" Luffy demanded.

Her teeth sharpened, "I have nothing for you!"

I quickly ran out before he could ask me. Of course I'm gonna give him some money, I just didn't want to do it in front everyone. Same with the others.

I walked through the streets fully clad in my disguise. First thing I did was exchange some of my treasures for cash. I kept most of the gold from Skypiea though, I knew gold like that was very hard to find.

After that, I picked up a whole bunch of stuff to fill my storage spaces. Food, alcohol, and cigarettes were the main things. I also spoiled my dragons with fresh fruit, they deserve it!

I felt Nami nearby, so I went to find her. I saw her with Robin still sulking about the money. I didn't blame her at all, of course. I've been a victim of Luffy's lack of money pinching many times.

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