"You can go ask him himself later." Mirabel answered as she smiled.


"Hey miss you look very pretty!" A kid smiled at Camilo.

"Kid, do I look like a "miss" to you?" Camilo said not knowing he was still in y/n's form.

"Well, you have boobs." The kid said innocently.



As he realized he was on y/n form he quickly changed into his normal self.

"Well how about now?" Camilo said as he bent down on the kids level.

"Oh, its you." The kid's smile faded.

"Geez, kid, don't you wanna see me? The one and only amazing and handsome Camilo Madrigal?" Camilo laughed mischievously.

"Its funny how your wife is much better than you."

"What?!" Camilo said in a playful tone still making sure he doesn't come off as rude to the kid's ears. "... I mean you're not wrong..." He mumbled.

"Speaking of your wife, why do you not drag her along with you when you go out?" Another child came in to the conversation.

"I would also like to see her!" Another kid popped up.

"I would drag her along with me but she's not feeling well today." Camilo scratched the back of his neck as he lied.

"But what about Julieta? She can heal her right?" One of the children said.

"Well..." Camilo trailed off as he nervously smiled.

"Hey- Hey!" He heard a voice that was oh so familiar to him.

"Gosh... You don't have to be so chaotic about me marrying a man." Y/n laughed at the bunch of kids that followed her along the way.

"I would love to marry you someday, miss!" A kid said. "Please wait for me!"

"S-sure." Y/n laughed nervously.

"I thought you said she wasn't well?" The kid told him.

"I-I guess she was healed by tìa Julieta already." Camilo answered nervously.

"HEY, MISS! YOUR BOYFRIEND'S HERE!" One of the children suddenly pointed to him.

Oh fuck fuck fuck.

"Hm?" She tilted her head to his direction and finally saw him.

"Oh its finally you! I've been looking all over for you." Y/n said slowly walking to his direction.

Slowly but surely, his heat had risen up as he stood there still like a statue.

"Mirabel said she wants to talk to you later." She said.

"...cami?" Y/n called him again. "Camilo, gosh, you're burning hot!" She said after putting the back of her hand onto his forehead.


"He has a fever." Y/n said as she threw Camilo to the ground.

"God, he's heavy." Y/n mumbled.

Apparently he fainted after all that interaction and Y/n had to carry him since Luisa was busy with the donkeys already.

"You carried him all the way here?!" Mirabel said in shock.

"I have no choice... I don't wanna call Luisa just for him." Y/n pointed out.

"I think I hurt my back." Y/n added slightly punching her side.

"What happened to him?!" Julieta asked with concern as she saw Camilo lying on the floor unconcious.

Arranged Marriage ✓| Camilo Madrigal x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now