Thank you.

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If you made it this far thank you so much for reading!
I've honestly never had the motivation to finish a book before and I won't lie, I lost the motivation for this book about half way through due to some personal issues but if you read it thank you so much!

But I came back and it was a good get away, I wrote a couple like one shot chapters as well that I may post somewhere one day if it's ever wanted but this book helped me over a bit of a rough time.

I might be posting another book that I did. I wrote it before this one but it's based after this book, it's about Tommy and is actually slightly hinted at in this book!

But thank you all for reading and please make sure to drink water, eat some food, take your meds if you have to and please look after yourself.

Signing off for now

𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖗...//RanbooDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora